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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-20 06:24

  本文選題:美國 + 基礎(chǔ)教育。 參考:《西南大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

【摘要】:國際競爭歸根結(jié)底為人才的競爭,科技人才對(duì)于提高國家經(jīng)濟(jì)地位、綜合國力及國際競爭力有著不可忽視的作用。近年來,國際社會(huì)普遍重視創(chuàng)新型科技人才的培養(yǎng)。基于國際社會(huì)對(duì)科技人才的重視及美國科技人才總量不足等國際和國內(nèi)背景,美國提出了旨在提高所有學(xué)生STEM素養(yǎng)、培養(yǎng)STEM人才的STEM教育,特別重視少數(shù)族裔及女性等弱勢群體的STEM素養(yǎng)提升,并以政府牽頭,結(jié)合企業(yè)、社區(qū)、大學(xué)、科學(xué)中心等組織的力量,發(fā)展STEM教育。在國際競爭日益激烈,STEM人才需求不斷加大,學(xué)校內(nèi)STEM教育不容樂觀的背景下,美國“校外STEM課程”應(yīng)運(yùn)而生。本研究以泰勒課程原理為方法論指導(dǎo),以實(shí)用主義課程觀為理論基礎(chǔ),對(duì)美國“校外STEM課程”的產(chǎn)生背景、核心目標(biāo)、主要內(nèi)容、課程實(shí)施、課程評(píng)價(jià)及凸顯特征做具體的分析與闡釋,并基于實(shí)踐目的,總結(jié)對(duì)我國的啟示,探尋我國校外科技課程的發(fā)展、完善之路。本研究包括七個(gè)部分:第一部分為美國“校外STEM課程”產(chǎn)生的背景,主要從STEM人才培養(yǎng)和美國STEM教育現(xiàn)狀等方面展開。政府高度重視STEM教育發(fā)展為其產(chǎn)生提供了有力條件,培養(yǎng)STEM人才、提高學(xué)生STEM素養(yǎng)的需求是其產(chǎn)生的迫切需求,學(xué)校內(nèi)STEM教育現(xiàn)狀不容樂觀是其產(chǎn)生的必要性。第二部分論述“校外STEM課程”的核心目標(biāo),該部分主要分析了“校外STEM課程”目標(biāo)的制定、具體內(nèi)容!靶M釹TEM課程”目標(biāo)是在美國STEM教育政策不斷演進(jìn)等背景下,受學(xué)習(xí)者需要等影響得以制定。就具體內(nèi)容而言,其旨在培養(yǎng)學(xué)生對(duì)STEM領(lǐng)域的興趣,提高學(xué)生STEM學(xué)業(yè)成就,填補(bǔ)弱勢群體對(duì)STEM教育的需要。第三部分為課程的主要內(nèi)容。美國“校外STEM課程”主要包括以某一學(xué)科為主體的課程,如以科學(xué)為主體的“鳥的足跡”(Bird Sleuth)K-12課程,以技術(shù)為主體的“數(shù)碼港灣”(Digital Harbor)課程,以工程為主體的“設(shè)計(jì)小組”(Design Squad),以數(shù)學(xué)為主體的“校外數(shù)學(xué)+”(Afterschool Math Plus)等。同時(shí),包含計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué)課程,整合的STEM課程和為教導(dǎo)員的課程等。第四部分是“校外STEM課程”的實(shí)施,包括實(shí)施主體、實(shí)施過程、教學(xué)模式、實(shí)施保障、實(shí)施個(gè)案!靶M釹TEM課程”的實(shí)施主體包括政府、學(xué)校、社區(qū)組織和其他利益相關(guān)者,實(shí)施過程包括計(jì)劃設(shè)計(jì)——認(rèn)證實(shí)施——評(píng)估反思三個(gè)階段,教學(xué)模式以基于項(xiàng)目的學(xué)習(xí)和基于問題的學(xué)習(xí)為主,實(shí)施保障包含政策保障、資金保障、科研支撐、師資支持等。此外,本研究以4-H STEM課程、技術(shù)之橋課程、GUTS課程進(jìn)行了具體分析。第五部分分析“校外STEM課程”的評(píng)價(jià),主要包括評(píng)價(jià)內(nèi)容、評(píng)價(jià)方法、評(píng)價(jià)工具等,并總結(jié)“校外STEM課程”的成效與問題!靶M釹TEM課程”綜合采用質(zhì)性評(píng)價(jià)與量化評(píng)價(jià)的方法,利用成功的維度觀察工具、AWE評(píng)價(jià)工具、CAISE評(píng)估工具,對(duì)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)結(jié)果和教師質(zhì)量進(jìn)行評(píng)估。它取得了不容小覷的成效:學(xué)生對(duì)STEM領(lǐng)域和職業(yè)的態(tài)度改變,學(xué)生STEM學(xué)業(yè)成就、知識(shí)和技能提升,學(xué)生畢業(yè)率和奉行STEM職業(yè)的可能性提高,弱勢群體學(xué)生的STEM教育得以補(bǔ)償,學(xué)校內(nèi)STEM教育的不足得到彌補(bǔ)等。但也存在些許不足:受惠范圍較窄,資金來源不足,優(yōu)質(zhì)師資缺乏等。第六部分分析其凸顯的主要特征:它注重課程實(shí)用性與教育公平性;課程內(nèi)容具有整合性、實(shí)踐性;在課程實(shí)施方面,呈現(xiàn)出實(shí)施主體的多元化,技術(shù)支持的虛擬化,教學(xué)策略的項(xiàng)目化的特點(diǎn);評(píng)價(jià)工具與評(píng)價(jià)方式多樣,評(píng)價(jià)結(jié)果具有實(shí)效性與指導(dǎo)性。最后為第七部分,通過對(duì)目前我國校外科技課程的現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行分析,對(duì)比美國“校外STEM課程”的經(jīng)驗(yàn),探尋美國“校外STEM課程”對(duì)我國校外科技課程發(fā)展的啟示。
[Abstract]:In the final analysis, the international competition is the competition for talents. The scientific and technological talents have an indispensable role to improve the national economic status, the comprehensive national strength and the international competitiveness. In recent years, the international community has paid much attention to the cultivation of innovative scientific and technological talents. In the background, the United States has proposed a STEM education aimed at improving the STEM literacy of all students and cultivating STEM talents. It pays special attention to the promotion of STEM literacy for minority and women and other vulnerable groups, and takes the leadership of the government to develop STEM education with the strength of organizations such as enterprises, communities, universities and science centers. In the increasingly fierce international competition, the demand for STEM talents is not good. Under the background of STEM education not optimistic in school, the "out of school STEM" in the United States emerges as the times require. This study takes the principle of Taylor course as the guidance of methodology and the theoretical basis of pragmatism curriculum. The background, core objectives, main content, curriculum implementation, curriculum evaluation and prominent features of the "STEM course outside the school" in the United States are given. This study includes seven parts: the first part is the background of the "out of school STEM course" in the United States, mainly from the training of STEM talents and the status of STEM education in the United States. The government attaches great importance to it. The development of STEM education provides the powerful conditions for its production. It is the urgent need to cultivate STEM talents and improve the students' STEM quality. The present situation of STEM education in school is not optimistic. The second part discusses the core goal of "STEM course outside school", and this part mainly analyzes the goal of "STEM course outside school". In the context of the continuous evolution of the American STEM education policy, the objective of "STEM courses outside the school" is to be developed under the influence of the learners' needs and so on. In terms of specific content, it aims to cultivate students' interest in the field of STEM, improve students' academic achievement in STEM, and fill in the needs of the weak potential group to STEM education. The third part is the course of the course. The main content of the "out of school STEM" course in the United States mainly includes a subject based course, such as the "Bird Sleuth" (Bird Sleuth) course with science as the main body, the "Digital Harbor" course with technology as the main body, the "design group" (Design Squad), which is the main body of the project, and the "School of mathematics". Foreign mathematics + (Afterschool Math Plus) and so on. At the same time, including the computer science course, the integrated STEM course and the course for the instructor. The fourth part is the implementation of "the STEM course outside the school", including the implementation subject, the implementation process, the teaching model, the implementation of the guarantee, the implementation of the case. The implementation of the "STEM course outside the school" includes the government, the school, Community organization and other stakeholders, the implementation process includes the plan design - Certification Implementation - Evaluation and reflection three stages, teaching model based on project based learning and problem based learning, the implementation of guarantee includes policy support, financial support, scientific research support, teacher support and so on. In addition, this research is based on the 4-H STEM course and technology. The bridge course, the GUTS course has carried on the concrete analysis. The fifth part analyses the evaluation of "out of school STEM course", mainly including the evaluation content, the evaluation method, the evaluation tool and so on, and summarizes the effect and the problem of "the STEM course outside school". "Out of school STEM course" adopts the method of qualitative evaluation and quantitative evaluation, and uses the successful dimension observation work. AWE evaluation tools, CAISE assessment tools, evaluation of student learning results and teacher quality. It has achieved no underestimated results: Students' attitude to the STEM field and profession, student STEM academic achievement, knowledge and skills promotion, student graduation rate and the possibility of pursuing the STEM career, and STEM education for disadvantaged students In order to compensate, the inadequacy of STEM education in school is remedied, but there are also some shortcomings: the narrow benefit range, the shortage of funds, the lack of high quality teachers, etc. the sixth part analyses the main features that highlight the main features: it pays attention to the practicality of the curriculum and the fairness of education; the course content is integrated and practical; in the implementation of the curriculum, it presents reality. The diversification of the main body, the virtualization of technical support, the characteristic of the project of teaching strategy, the variety of evaluation tools and evaluation methods, the effectiveness and guidance of the evaluation results. Finally, the seventh part, through the analysis of the present situation of the current science and technology courses outside our country, explores the American "out of school STEM course". The Enlightenment of the off campus STEM course to the development of our off campus science and technology curriculum.



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2 李茂;;教學(xué)錄像揭示美國科學(xué)教育軟肋[N];中國教師報(bào);2006年

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5 范燕瑞;STEM教育研究[D];華東師范大學(xué);2011年





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