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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-08 21:30

  本文選題:思想政治教育內(nèi)容 + 大學(xué)生 ; 參考:《東北師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, ideological and political education of college students is like a luxuriant tree, and the content is the stem and leaf of this big tree. The development of educational content directly affects the achievement of educational effect, so the choice of ideological and political education content of college students should be careful. It is of great theoretical value to sort out the track of its content development from the historical point of view, sum up its development law, and then put forward the conception of development. This text carries on narration from the following several parts: the first part introduces the basic theory of the content of ideological and political education of college students, starts with the definition of the concept, clarifies the related concept. On this basis, from the social development and the actual life of college students, it is clear that the content of ideological and political education of college students should be established. The second part, combing the development track of the ideological and political education content of college students since the reform and opening up, divides the four stages of restoration of development, preliminary development, in-depth reform, and overall reform on the basis of major events and important documents. The development and changes of ideological and political education content of college students are described in detail. The third part discusses the main contents of ideological and political education of college students. This paper expounds the content of ideological and political education from two aspects: the content of teaching material and the daily ideological education, which embodies the unity of the theory and the daily nature of the content. The fourth part summarizes the inner law of the content development of college students' ideological and political education, which embodies the law of student's main body, science, times, foresight, practice and so on. Only by grasping the internal law of development and summing up the experience of development can we ushered in the new development of ideological and political education content of college students. The fifth part, in the comprehensive deepening reform today, the university student faces the new historical situation, enriches and develops the education content to go deep into the microscopic vision, takes the grade as the dimension carries on the university student ideological and political education content microscopic construction, Make the content of education come from the students and return to the life world of students, and achieve good results.


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