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脆弱 在 成人教育與特殊教育 分類中 的翻譯結(jié)果

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2016-11-01 10:00















脆弱 在 成人教育與特殊教育 分類中 的翻譯結(jié)果


    Setting sensitive and fragile minority region of Sichuan in ecological environment as an important researching point, it actively explores green education and creates double languages and green schools in minority region.




    On the cultural fragility of adult education ——Reflections on adult education in the new century



    The deaf students in colleges and universities,due to physical defect(auditory handicap),lead to psychological abnormality and form the negative mental characteristics of individual such as blindness,fragility,inferiority,anxiety and so on.

    高校中的聾生由于生理缺陷 (聽覺障礙 )導(dǎo)致其心理異常 ,形成諸如盲目、脆弱、自卑、焦慮等消極的個(gè)性心理特征。





Consequently, the assessment not only presented the threatened status of Hebei flora but also indicated the relatively fragile health status of the environment of Beijing and Tianjin.


The fragile histidine triad (FHIT) gene, a candidate tumor suppressor gene located at 3p14.2, has been shown to be involved in the carcinogenesis of many human tissues, including digestive tract tissues.


The results prove that the active site of Rubisco is more fragile to denaturants than the protein as a whole.


The results show the free enzyme molecule is more fragile than the enzyme-substrate complex in the DMSO solution.


The results show that the free enzyme molecule is more fragile than the enzyme-substrate complex in the dioxane solution.




The results show that there are two endangered species, six vulnerable species, 12 nearly threatened species and 344 safe species.


In order to increase the maximum angle of incidence at which the flow has still not separated, a circular cavity (vortex cell) located almost completely inside the aerofoil is introduced on the segment vulnerable to separation.


The monitoring of the respiratory functional capacities in schoolboys made it possible to determine certain highly vulnerable periods characterized by stronger individual manifestations of the functional development of the respiratory system.


The hemodynamic asymmetry does not exclude an intrinsic maturational hemispheric tissue factor, making the left hemisphere more vulnerable than the right to detrimental influences around birth and during the early postnatal period.


Immature white matter is especially vulnerable to asphyxia.




The soil and water erosions in this area continue to be responsible for many environmental problems in northern China because of its fragility and long disturbance history.


The risk is quantified by a procedure on the basis of a numerical determination of the fragility curves.


The analytical fragility curves were obtained specifically, using both Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) (non-linear static) analysis and Ineremental Dynamic Method (IDM) (non-linear dynamic) analysis, respectively, in this paper.


The structural fragility curves developed by CSM method can help make the structural analysis simple and quick, avoiding the implementation of the dynamic response history analysis (RHA).


Fragility curves are powerful tools for use in performance-based seismic bridge design.



  a fragile

Disgust and the coupled involuntary reactions serve to protect a fragile ego from decompensation and the restitution of the boundary between in- and outside.


By the application of these new tools, the yield of embryonic renal collecting duct epithelia with intact barrier function on a fragile natural support material can be significantly increased compared to earlier experiments.


Quantum shell effects induce a fragile interplay between Langevin diamagnetism and van Vleck paramagnetism and lead to a remarkable dia-para anisotropy in magnetic susceptibility of particular light clusters.


Does confined water exhibit a fragile-to-strong transition


At best, such an approach to diversityleads to a fragile stalemate among self-containedenclaves.



The deaf students in colleges and universities,due to physical defect(auditory handicap),lead to psychological abnormality and form the negative mental characteristics of individual such as blindness,fragility,inferiority,anxiety and so on.The higher special educators ought to educate and guide them to go out of psychological misunderstanding and meet challenge of life in the scientific and correct way.

高校中的聾生由于生理缺陷 (聽覺障礙 )導(dǎo)致其心理異常 ,形成諸如盲目、脆弱、自卑、焦慮等消極的個(gè)性心理特征。高等特殊教育工作者要以科學(xué)、正確的方法來教育、引導(dǎo)他們走出心理誤區(qū) ,迎接生活的挑戰(zhàn)。

Adult education has been walking with unsteady steps for a long time.At the turn of the century,it is confronted with a to be or not to be question due to its cultural fragility.

成人教育長(zhǎng)期以來步履維艱 ,世紀(jì)之交又面臨“想要”和“不想要”的十字路口 ,原因可以歸于成人教育文化的脆弱

Setting sensitive and fragile minority region of Sichuan in ecological environment as an important researching point, it actively explores green education and creates double languages and green schools in minority region. This article firstly presents the concepts of The First Kind Model for Double Languages and Green Schools and The Second Kind Model for Double Languages and Green Schools, and researches the system of evaluation for The Second Kind Model School. Only creating double languages and green schools,...

Setting sensitive and fragile minority region of Sichuan in ecological environment as an important researching point, it actively explores green education and creates double languages and green schools in minority region. This article firstly presents the concepts of The First Kind Model for Double Languages and Green Schools and The Second Kind Model for Double Languages and Green Schools, and researches the system of evaluation for The Second Kind Model School. Only creating double languages and green schools, we could form the system of green education in minority region, build a ecological defence well in upstream of Changjiang River, get a beautiful sight in minority region and come true the sustainable development.


















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