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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-08 15:22
[Abstract]:The development of Chinese subject has gradually exposed the problems existing in traditional teaching. The stylized composition teaching can not only not mobilize the interest of students, but also can not fundamentally improve students' writing ability, and the situation of composition teaching is not optimistic. The new curriculum standard puts forward new requirements for composition teaching, pays more attention to the needs of students under the idea of taking students as the main body, and looks forward to a new way out of composition teaching. Youth literature, which is popular with students, rises in the new concept composition contest, under the banner of "new thinking, new expression, new experience", and the youth literature has been affixed with a novel and unique label from the beginning. Its unique charm makes it possible for youth literature to be used in composition teaching. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part defines the significance of youth literature in this paper, summarizes the characteristics of youth literature, and provides the necessary cultural background and reference for the following discussion. The second part discusses the necessity of introducing youth literature into composition teaching from three aspects: students, teachers and teaching materials. The present situation of students' writing is not optimistic, there are always problems in teachers' composition teaching, and the arrangement of existing teaching materials also limits students' thinking to a certain extent, which determines that it is imperative to explore an effective composition teaching mode. The third part discusses the feasibility of introducing youth literature into composition teaching. The new curriculum standard puts forward new requirements for students' extracurricular reading. When applying youth literature to composition teaching, the correct application and guidance of teachers can reduce or even avoid the adverse effects of youth literature. Returning to the youth literature itself, it has its own unique charm and promotes the improvement of students' writing ability. The fourth part focuses on the analysis of youth literature into composition teaching strategies. This paper analyzes it from three aspects: intention, structure and language. In terms of intention, most of the ideas of youth literature are novel and profound, students should pay attention to learning the novel ways of thinking of youth literature writers when reading; in structure, youth literature writers have ingenious structural skills; in the use of language, youth literature works have rich and diverse vocabulary, profound language humor, rhetorical innovation and changeable, forming a unique language style. The fifth part briefly analyzes the problems that should be paid attention to when introducing youth literature into composition teaching. Youth literature grows up in a specific cultural background and has different characteristics from traditional literature. Its commercial attributes will mislead students to a certain extent. Teachers should predict these problems in advance and pay attention to advantages and avoid disadvantages in their use. The sixth part makes a summary. Youth literature is a new form of literature. Under the advocacy of "literature is admission", we should objectively evaluate it and accept it with an open attitude. It is introduced into composition teaching to provide a new teaching paradigm for composition teaching.


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