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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-07 20:57
[Abstract]:Physical education and health curriculum is an important condition to realize the teaching goal of school physical education, and it is also an important basis for teachers and students to carry out teaching activities. Since the implementation of the new curriculum standard, it is an important task to improve the subject status of students in the process of curriculum implementation. Pay attention to the selectivity of teaching content and the diversity of teaching methods, so as to promote the healthy development of students' physical, psychological and social adaptability. It is of great significance that a reasonable form of physical education teaching organization can improve the efficiency of physical education teaching and arouse the initiative of students in physical education learning and the enthusiasm of participating in physical education. Module teaching is the main way to realize the teaching goal of physical education in the new curriculum reform. Physical education module teaching is an important measure of physical education teaching reform, and it should be implemented in the end. To ensure the implementation of physical education module teaching, it is necessary not only to formulate a reasonable teaching mode, but also to unify and coordinate the teaching conditions of teachers, students, and to complete it by giving full play to the self-initiative of learning. This kind of module teaching puts forward higher requirements for high school physical education teachers and students. This paper comprehensively uses the literature method, questionnaire survey method, interview method and Changsha senior high school physical education and health curriculum module teaching advantages and disadvantages, as well as the opportunities and threats to carry on the investigation and analysis. Combined with the new curriculum standard, this paper puts forward five countermeasures and suggestions on the module teaching of physical education and health curriculum in Changsha senior high school: first, from the point of view of physical education teachers, further improve the professional skills and theoretical knowledge of physical education teachers, cultivate all-round physical education teachers, second, from the point of view of students, adhere to the guiding ideology of "health first", take student development as the center, fully reflect students' autonomy; Third, from the teaching point of view, the student-oriented educational concept closely revolves around the objective laws of physical education and a variety of teaching methods; fourth, the establishment of a variety of evaluation forms, the construction of a diversified evaluation structure system; fifth, the change of school environment factors.


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