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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-05 21:48
[Abstract]:Theodolite spatial positioning is both a key and a difficult point in geography teaching in senior high school, which plays an important role in students' deep study and understanding of climate distribution, regional division and other basic knowledge. This paper takes four classes of Xiongyue Senior High School in Yingkou City, Liaoning Province as the research object, adopts the research method of consulting literature, collecting data and questionnaire survey, summarizes and analyzes the concrete application, application status and influencing factors of theodolite spatial positioning in senior high school geography teaching, and makes qualitative and quantitative analysis on the teaching effect of theodolite positioning. The results show that: (1) the spatial positioning of theodolite in senior high school geography textbooks is mainly applied to the determination of time difference and solar direct point in the third section of the first chapter of senior high school geography, the study of climate distribution law in the third section of the second chapter, the distribution of agricultural areas in the second middle school of high school geography, the division of the compulsory three middle school areas of high school geography, and the study of climate distribution in the third section of the second middle school of high school geography. The division of longitude and latitude of each continent in regional geography, the geographical things through which important longitude and weft lines pass, the longitude and latitude range of China and the longitude and latitude position of important geographical things in regional geography of China. (2) the overall situation of theodolite spatial positioning application in Xiongyue High School in the second year of senior high school is that the application level of theodolite spatial positioning is low; The application level of theodolite spatial positioning is uneven, which is mainly manifested in that the theodolite spatial positioning level of the students in the key class is higher than that of the ordinary class, and that of the boys is higher than that of the female students. The main factors that affect the application level of theodolite spatial positioning are as follows: there are individual differences in the mastery of students' basic geographical knowledge, students generally do not form a good habit of reading maps, and students' gender also has a certain impact on the spatial positioning level of theodolite. Teachers' teaching methods for key classes and ordinary classes are different, which also affects the level of students' theodolite spatial positioning. (3) through the study of theodolite spatial positioning, Xiong Yue senior high school students in the second year of senior high school have improved their theodolite reading ability, cultivating the habit of reading pictures, and defining the geographical significance of theodolite spatial positioning. The test results show that the average test results of Xiong Yue senior high school students reviewing theodolite spatial positioning knowledge are 12.9 points higher than before review, among which the proportion of students with more than 80 points increased by 8.0%, the proportion of students with 60 points increased by 9.6%, the proportion of students with 40 points decreased by 5.6%, and the proportion of students below 40 points decreased by 12.2%.


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