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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-07-05 07:27
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the great importance and promotion of information technology education, the reform and development of information technology education has been very rapid. The new curriculum reform of information technology subject in basic education senior high school has been repositioned from curriculum function, curriculum concept, curriculum goal, curriculum structure and curriculum evaluation. It requires information technology teachers to change their previous classroom roles and teaching behavior to adapt to and promote the new curriculum reform and to realize the changes in curriculum management, implementation and evaluation. In addition, in order to meet the needs of social development for talents, students must also change the past way of learning, and constantly improve their own information literacy and the ability to use knowledge. Therefore, under the guidance of "Information Technology Curriculum Standard for Senior High School" (hereinafter referred to as "Standard"), constantly improving the implementation quality of the new curriculum reform of information technology subject in senior high school has become an important task of the current basic education curriculum reform. Gansu Province, as an experimental province of the new round of basic education curriculum reform, since 2010, the new curriculum reform of information technology discipline in senior high school has made some gratifying achievements both in theory and practice. However, from the requirements of the "Standard", there are still many problems in the course of curriculum implementation, which have affected the quality of the curriculum reform of information technology subjects. This study focuses on the analysis of the current situation and problems of the implementation of the new curriculum reform of information technology in senior high school in Gansu Province, and puts forward some countermeasures to improve the implementation quality of the curriculum reform and deepen the curriculum teaching reform. First of all, by consulting the relevant literature of information technology curriculum reform in senior high school in our country, this paper focuses on the understanding of the value of information technology curriculum, the compilation and use of teaching materials, teaching design, teaching methods, teaching evaluation, teachers' professional development and so on, and analyzes the inspiration and reflection on the elements that constitute the evaluation of the implementation quality of information technology curriculum. On this basis, combined with the content requirements of the Standard and the results of literature combing, this paper constructs the evaluation indexes of the implementation quality of the new curriculum reform of information technology in senior high school in Gansu Province, including five first-level indicators: information technology teaching materials, information technology curriculum offering, classroom teaching, environment and resource construction, and teachers' professional development. Based on the above indexes, the information technology teachers and students questionnaire is developed to carry out the network and field investigation, and it is found that there are the following problems in the implementation of the new curriculum reform of information technology subjects in Gansu Province: the teaching hardware environment has begun to take shape and needs to update the subject resources; the new curriculum concept has been generally recognized and the desire for teaching reform is strong; the teaching reform of subject teachers and the professional development of teachers are lack of motivation; The teaching materials of information technology courses need to be updated; the grades of courses are significantly different and the modules are out of balance; the school-based curriculum is insufficient and has not yet played its due role; and the way of academic evaluation of information technology courses needs to be changed. Finally, in view of the above problems, from the curriculum angle, the teacher angle, the external support and the guarantee three angles proposed the corresponding strategy: update the curriculum content, perfect the teaching material system; develop the localization information technology school-based curriculum resource; vigorously construct the subject teaching resource; innovate the classroom teaching mode, change the teaching and learning way; establish the perfect school-based teaching and research system; strengthen the information technology teacher training; Give full play to the leading role of various skills competitions, improve the comprehensive quality and ability of teachers and students, enhance the cognition and leadership of principals, and establish a diversified way of academic evaluation of information technology courses.


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