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發(fā)布時間:2019-06-28 13:53
【摘要】:高考,作為選拔可接受高等教育人才的方式,一直以來受到教育工作者與學生的高度重視(Qi Luxia,2004)。近年來,有關高考英語測試對教師教學反撥效應的研究成為國內(nèi)英語測試研究領域的熱點之一(Qi Luxia,2004;劉慶思,2008),但針對學生學習反撥作用的研究還不多見。本研究選取246名高中學生作為問卷調(diào)查的對象(其中的10名學生作為訪談對象),對高考英語測試對學生學習的反撥效應進行了實證研究。本研究旨在解決以下三個問題:(1)高考英語測試對學生英語學習產(chǎn)生怎樣的反撥效應?(2)高考英語測試如何影響學生的英語學習?(3)高考英語測試對普通班和重點班學生英語學習的反撥作用是否存在差異?調(diào)查結果表明:(1)高考英語測試會在一定程度上影響學生學習,按影響程度由強到弱,依次為:學習速度與順序、學習內(nèi)容和學習方法。(2)高考英語測試對學生學習所產(chǎn)生的反撥作用并非直接的,而是受到教師調(diào)節(jié)的影響。(3)高考英語測試對普通班和重點班學生英語學習的反撥作用不存在顯著差異;谡{(diào)查的結果,本研究提出一些建議:(1)完善高考英語測試在遼寧省的施行。(2)優(yōu)化教師教學理念、了解高考英語測試的真正意圖、調(diào)整教學方式,使之與高考英語測試相適應。(3)學生應擺正對語言測試與英語學習的態(tài)度,不斷提升自主學習能力。盡管,改變現(xiàn)存的、以測試為導向的教育模式不能一蹴而就,但期望在未來的英語教育中,教師能夠不斷提升高考英語測試的正向反撥效應,樹立正確的語言教學與學習的觀念。
[Abstract]:College entrance examination, as a way to select talents from acceptable higher education, has always been highly valued by educators and students (Qi Luxia,2004). In recent years, the research on the backwash effect of college entrance examination English test on teachers' teaching has become one of the hotspots in the field of English test in China (Qi Luxia,2004; Liu Qingsi, 2008), but there are few studies on the backwash effect of students' learning. In this study, 246 senior high school students were selected as the subjects of questionnaire survey, and 10 of them were interviewed to make an empirical study on the backwash effect of college entrance examination English test on students' learning. The purpose of this study is to solve the following three problems: (1) what is the backwash effect of the college entrance examination English test on students' English learning? (2) how does the college entrance examination English test affect students' English learning? (3) is there any difference in the backwash effect of the college entrance examination English test on the English learning of the students in the ordinary class and the key class? The results show that: (1) the English test of college entrance examination will affect students' learning to a certain extent, from strong to weak, in turn: learning speed and order, learning content and learning methods. (2) the backwash effect of college entrance examination English test on students' learning is not direct. However, it is affected by the adjustment of teachers. (3) there is no significant difference in the backwash effect of college entrance examination English test on English learning between ordinary and key classes. Based on the results of the survey, this study puts forward some suggestions: (1) to improve the implementation of the college entrance examination English test in Liaoning Province. (2) to optimize the teachers' teaching concept, understand the real intention of the college entrance examination English test, and adjust the teaching method to adapt it to the college entrance examination English test. (3) students should correct their attitude towards language test and English learning, and constantly improve their autonomous learning ability. Although the change of the existing test-oriented education model can not be achieved overnight, it is expected that in the future English education, teachers will continue to improve the positive backwash effect of the college entrance examination English test and establish a correct concept of language teaching and learning.


相關期刊論文 前1條

1 唐耀彩,彭金定;大學英語口語考試對英語學習的反撥作用[J];外語界;2004年01期





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