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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-21 12:20
[Abstract]:"backward students" refers to students who have normal intelligence and no defects in learning skills. Because of the acquired reasons, the test scores are lower than the average level or the minimum standard for a long time, and often violate the code of conduct and the discipline of the school classroom. In educational practice, the phenomenon of "backward students" is an inevitable phenomenon in school education, and it is a problem that educational researchers and educational practitioners continue to pay attention to and study in recent years. The previous research is to put "backward students" in the context of society to explore the reasons for its formation, but most of the time students spend in schools, school education is organized. Systematic education has played a great role in the formation of backward students. The problem of "backward students" is a headache in school education, but to some extent, it is also a problem neglected in school education. Therefore, the researcher walks into a public high school to analyze the problems formed by "backward students" from the point of view of school education, in order to explain the influence of school education on the formation of "backward students", and expects to make the "underachievers" develop by changing school education. This paper is carried out from five parts: the first part is the introduction, which discusses the origin and significance of the study, combs the existing research from two aspects of the concept, causes and countermeasures of "backward students", puts forward the concept of "backward students" in this paper and divides the "backward students" into three categories, and then summarizes the characteristics of the existing research and the foothold of this study. The selection of the research object and the application of the research method are also explained. In the second part, the researchers use observation method, interview method, physical collection and other methods to describe the life status of "backward students" in and out of the classroom, so as to show their real situation in school, so as to lay a foundation for the analysis of the formation of "backward students" in school education. The third part discusses the influence of school education on the formation of "backward students" from four aspects: the planning of school classes, the arrangement of school curricula, the education and teaching of teachers and the communication between students, and then expresses that "backward students" are actually artificially divided by others, but in fact, students should not be classified, let alone give up the education of a certain part of students. Education should respect the differences of students and promote the development of each student. The fourth part analyzes that "backward students" is not passively accepting their classification, and puts forward three ways of "backward students" false intention, public resistance and numb and silent struggle, in order to help educators explain some seemingly incomprehensible behaviors of "backward students" in educational practice. The fifth part gives the strategy of transformation according to the analysis of the causes of the formation of backward students in school education. The correct educational thought of the school is the focus of the transformation work, the establishment of the evaluation system to promote the development of human beings is the catalyst to realize the transformation work, the optimization of classroom teaching is the effective way to realize the transformation, the establishment of a good teacher-student relationship, and the relationship between students and students is the key to the realization of the transformation work. In a word, the phenomenon of "backward students" appears under the influence of inappropriate school education, and it is the result that students are artificially classified in the process of receiving education in school. Therefore, some methods are taken to change school education, so that educators can treat every student equally, recognize differences, respect differences and develop differences, so that "backward students" can achieve better development.


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