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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-18 08:13
【摘要】:湖北省特級(jí)教師余映潮獨(dú)創(chuàng)了板塊式教學(xué)模式,這一模式思路清晰、目標(biāo)明確、可操作性強(qiáng),,符合新課標(biāo)倡導(dǎo)的教學(xué)理念,問世以來受到了廣大教師的一致好評(píng),為語文課堂教學(xué)帶來了新氣象,為在課改浪潮中艱難前行的教師指明了方向。但是現(xiàn)有的對(duì)余映潮板塊式教學(xué)模式的研究偏重于課例的評(píng)述,而缺少從宏觀角度把握這一模式對(duì)語文教育改革的指導(dǎo)意義,所以還具有一定的研究空間。 本論文主要采用文獻(xiàn)法和案例分析法,對(duì)余映潮的著作和課例進(jìn)行了細(xì)致研究,深入了解了板塊式教學(xué)模式,感受其中的藝術(shù)魅力。首先,分析板塊式教學(xué)模式的特點(diǎn)和優(yōu)勢(shì),研究余老師的教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)和課堂實(shí)錄,總結(jié)規(guī)律,概括出它在不同文體中的教學(xué)策略:在散文中,注重朗讀和審美體驗(yàn);在小說中,采用“理解內(nèi)容、揣摩妙點(diǎn)、評(píng)說人物”小說閱讀三步法;在詩歌中,側(cè)重誦讀和比較。其次,結(jié)合時(shí)代背景,探討其對(duì)當(dāng)今語文教育改革的指導(dǎo)意義,主要是三個(gè)方面:沖擊傳統(tǒng)的課堂教學(xué)模式;加強(qiáng)教師對(duì)自身的認(rèn)識(shí);關(guān)注學(xué)生的終身發(fā)展。最后,通過和于漪、趙謙翔、王君等名師的對(duì)比,提出對(duì)這一模式的拓展思考:每位教師都有自己的教學(xué)風(fēng)格,在平淡與激情的博弈、情感與理智的平衡、預(yù)設(shè)與生成的沖突、模式與個(gè)性的融合中尋找一條最適合自己的教學(xué)之路。
[Abstract]:Yu Yingchao, a special teacher in Hubei Province, has created a block teaching mode, which has clear train of thought, clear goal and strong maneuverability, and accords with the teaching idea advocated by the new curriculum standard. It has been well received by the majority of teachers since it came out, which has brought a new atmosphere to the Chinese classroom teaching and pointed out the direction for the teachers who are struggling to move forward in the wave of curriculum reform. However, the existing research on Yu Yingchao block teaching model focuses on the review of the class example, and lacks the guiding significance of grasping this model to the reform of Chinese education from a macro point of view, so it still has a certain research space. This paper mainly uses the literature method and the case analysis method, has carried on the detailed research to Yu Yingchao's work and the course example, has deeply understood the block teaching mode, has felt the artistic charm among them. First of all, this paper analyzes the characteristics and advantages of the block teaching model, studies teacher Yu's teaching design and classroom record, summarizes the law, and summarizes its teaching strategies in different styles: in prose, pay attention to reading aloud and aesthetic experience; in the novel, it adopts the three-step method of "understanding the content, speculating and commenting on the characters". In poetry, emphasis is placed on reading and comparison. Secondly, combined with the background of the times, this paper probes into its guiding significance to the reform of Chinese education today, mainly in three aspects: impinging on the traditional classroom teaching mode; strengthening teachers' understanding of themselves; and paying attention to the lifelong development of students. Finally, through the comparison with Yu Yi, Zhao Qianxiang, Wang Jun and other famous teachers, this paper puts forward the expansion thinking of this model: each teacher has his own teaching style, in the game between bland and passion, the balance between emotion and reason, the conflict between presupposition and generation, and the fusion of mode and personality to find the most suitable teaching way.


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