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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-14 14:12
【摘要】:自我國(guó)實(shí)施新課程改革以來(lái)已經(jīng)十多年,其中課程評(píng)價(jià)改革正在成為基礎(chǔ)教育課程改革的難點(diǎn),對(duì)于如何優(yōu)化課程改革評(píng)價(jià),促進(jìn)科學(xué)素養(yǎng)的全面落實(shí)也一直是國(guó)際科學(xué)教育的研究主題。國(guó)際上關(guān)注教學(xué)目標(biāo)的達(dá)成程度,為了有效地檢測(cè)目標(biāo)的達(dá)成程度,已研制出有精準(zhǔn)的測(cè)評(píng)工具,如:TIMSS(國(guó)際數(shù)學(xué)和科學(xué)教育趨勢(shì)評(píng)估), NAEP(國(guó)家教育進(jìn)展評(píng)估),PISA(國(guó)際學(xué)生評(píng)價(jià)項(xiàng)目)。這些國(guó)際測(cè)評(píng)項(xiàng)目所提供的指標(biāo)在國(guó)際上是很有影響力的,已經(jīng)引起了世界范圍的關(guān)注。同時(shí),他們也代表了國(guó)際視野對(duì)學(xué)生評(píng)價(jià)的比較先進(jìn)的水平。我國(guó)的評(píng)價(jià)改革也在逐步的完善,借鑒國(guó)際測(cè)評(píng)項(xiàng)目中所提供的指標(biāo)對(duì)我國(guó)科學(xué)素養(yǎng)評(píng)價(jià)工具進(jìn)行分析。本文從分析國(guó)際上具有廣泛影響的三大科學(xué)素養(yǎng)測(cè)評(píng)項(xiàng)目(PISA、NAEP、 TIMSS)入手,分析三大科學(xué)素養(yǎng)測(cè)評(píng)項(xiàng)目對(duì)科學(xué)素養(yǎng)進(jìn)行評(píng)價(jià)的特點(diǎn),確定分析我國(guó)高考化學(xué)試題對(duì)科學(xué)素養(yǎng)考察的視角,進(jìn)而分析我國(guó)高考化學(xué)開(kāi)放性試題進(jìn)行分析。在分析我國(guó)高考化學(xué)試題時(shí),本文主要采取縱向分析和橫向分析相結(jié)合的方式,對(duì)目標(biāo)試卷進(jìn)行縱向分析可以看到從新課改革以來(lái),我國(guó)高考化學(xué)部分對(duì)科學(xué)素養(yǎng)的考察呈逐年的提高的趨勢(shì),通過(guò)本研究得到各個(gè)維度的考察可以改進(jìn)的方向:情景維度若將問(wèn)題融合在情景中,會(huì)使情景維度更加有意義;過(guò)程維度可以變隱性考察為顯性考察,多增加一些科學(xué)問(wèn)題的確認(rèn)過(guò)程和科學(xué)探究的考察,將學(xué)生的思維過(guò)程考察出來(lái);態(tài)度維度可以增加一些顯性的態(tài)度考察,讓學(xué)生在自主確認(rèn)問(wèn)題的過(guò)程中對(duì)如何正確的處理問(wèn)題做出正確的選擇,而不僅僅是讓學(xué)生感受科學(xué)的力量;知識(shí)維度的考察如果與其他學(xué)科綜合,真正的理綜試題將會(huì)為解決更多的社會(huì)和生活中的問(wèn)題做出貢獻(xiàn),學(xué)生們也會(huì)學(xué)有所用。
[Abstract]:For more than ten years since the reform of the new curriculum in our country, the curriculum evaluation reform is becoming the difficult point of the curriculum reform of the basic education, and it has been the subject of the international scientific education for how to optimize the evaluation of the curriculum reform and to promote the full implementation of the scientific literacy. International attention is paid to the degree of achievement of the teaching goal. In order to effectively detect the achievement of the goal, an accurate evaluation tool has been developed, such as the TISS (International Mathematical and Scientific Education Trends Assessment), the NAEP (National Education Progress Assessment), and the PISA (International Student Evaluation Project). The indicators provided by these international assessment projects have been internationally influential and have attracted worldwide attention. At the same time, they also represent an advanced level of international vision for student evaluation. The reform of China's evaluation is also in a step-by-step, and the evaluation tools of Chinese science literacy are analyzed by reference to the indicators provided in the international evaluation project. This paper starts with the three major scientific literacy evaluation items (PISA, NEP and TISS) which have a wide impact on the international, analyzes the characteristics of the three major scientific literacy evaluation items to evaluate the scientific literacy, and determines the angle of the examination of the scientific literacy of the national college entrance examination chemistry test questions. Furthermore, the paper analyzes the open test questions of the college entrance examination. In the analysis of the chemical test questions of the college entrance examination in China, this paper mainly adopts the combination of the longitudinal analysis and the horizontal analysis, and the longitudinal analysis of the target test paper can see the trend of the improvement of the scientific literacy in the chemical part of the college entrance examination in China since the reform of the new course. The study of the various dimensions can be improved by this study: if the scene dimension is fused in the scene, the scene dimension is more meaningful; the process dimension can be changed from the recessive investigation into the dominant study, and the confirmation process and the scientific inquiry of some scientific problems can be increased. The study of the students' thought process, the attitude dimension can increase some explicit attitude study, let the students make the correct choice on how to deal with the problem in the course of self-confirmation problem, not only to let the students feel the power of science; The study of the knowledge dimension, if combined with other subjects, will contribute to the solution of more social and life problems, and the students will also learn to use it.


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