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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-05-21 07:47

  本文選題:田徑運(yùn)動(dòng) + 訓(xùn)練體系 ; 參考:《蘇州大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:This paper takes the present situation and characteristics of after-school track and field training in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou as the research object, and adopts the methods of literature, questionnaire, interview, mathematical statistics and so on. This paper analyzes and studies the present situation and characteristics of after-school track and field training in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou, in order to summarize the characteristics and existing problems of after-school track and field training in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou at present. It provides a certain theoretical basis and reference for the healthy and orderly development of after-school track and field training in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou. The results of the study show that the after-school track and field training coaches in Suzhou City show a tendency to be younger in age. Male coaches are the main force of coaches. (2) Suzhou primary and secondary school after-school track and field training coaches in terms of academic qualifications and titles show high academic qualifications, The characteristics of the low title. (3) the professional characteristics of the coaches in the after-school track and field training in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou are as follows: the proportion of ball games is relatively large, the proportion of track and field is relatively small, And most coaches do not have professional team training experience. 4) at present, the coaches in Suzhou primary and secondary schools after school track and field training are physical education teachers, part-time after-school track and field training, and the amount of class hours is too much. (5) there are more male students (63.49%) and 36.51% (36.51%) of track and field athletes in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou, and most athletes have a low degree of liking to track and field. (6) the teaching level of most athletes to coaches, 82.54% of the teaching methods are satisfactory. 85.71% of the athletes like the coaches' teaching method. Of the four major categories of track and field events, running, jumping, and voting are carried out in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou. Among them, sprint is the item that every school trains; the proportion of jumping and voting is about 50%.) in the arrangement of training contents, The general physical fitness training is on the low side, the special physical training is relatively high, and it has the characteristics of heavy special physical training, light general physical training. In training methods, the main training methods are repeated training, integral and decomposition training and circular training. At present, the after-school track and field training in primary and secondary schools in Suzhou is characterized by a small self-perceived load of athletes. From the point of view of competition, The extracurricular track and field training in primary and middle schools in Suzhou has remarkable training effect, but it is characterized by lower level of participation.


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