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發(fā)布時間:2018-05-21 01:36

  本文選題:支架教學(xué) + 英語寫作教學(xué)模式; 參考:《曲阜師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Scaffolding teaching follows the concept of student-centered teaching. It emphasizes that students should be guided to construct their own knowledge by building scaffolding and real situation, so as to improve students' learning ability and interest. And effectively realize the interaction between teaching and learning. This paper reviews the related research on scaffolding teaching. The research shows that the development of scaffolding teaching in foreign countries has become more and more mature, and domestic scholars are gradually carrying out relevant theoretical and empirical research. However, there are relatively few empirical studies on junior high school students' English writing, most of which focus on students' writing achievement, the role of teachers and students and the planning of classroom model. Therefore, under the inspiration of this teaching, aiming at the present situation and curriculum needs of junior high school students' English writing, this paper discusses how to construct a classroom model suitable for junior high school students' writing teaching on the basis of scaffolding teaching, and attempts to build a classroom model suitable for junior high school students' writing teaching. This paper discusses the influence of the teaching method on junior high school students' English writing from three aspects: interest and method, as well as the role of teachers and students. The purpose of this paper is to use qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the application of scaffolding teaching in English writing teaching. The subjects were students from two parallel classes in a junior middle school in Linqu County of Weifang City and were taught for 8 weeks at the same time. Two classes were randomly selected as control class and experimental class. The control class adopts the traditional writing teaching method, and the experimental class adopts the scaffolding teaching mode. Before and after the study, two classes were tested, and the experimental class was investigated. The data were collected from questionnaire and tested, and analyzed and processed by SPSS software 16.0. Through the data analysis, there are significant differences between the experimental class and the control class, the students' interest and methods in writing have been greatly improved, and the relationship between teachers and students has changed obviously. Therefore, the conclusions of this study are as follows: first, compared with the traditional writing teaching, the writing teaching based on scaffolding teaching is suitable for junior high school writing teaching and can effectively improve students' writing performance. Second, students have more confidence in English writing and can actively outline, self-revision and peer modification. Thirdly, through the quality of communication and classroom atmosphere, instead of the teacher-centered classroom model, teachers become the promoters rather than the indoctrinators of students' learning, and provide reasonable and timely support for students; And students have more opportunities to express their ideas, can actively communicate their composition and learning with students and teachers; instead of a single classroom model, the living classroom atmosphere for students to provide an effective learning and writing environment. This paper reviews the corresponding theoretical basis, and carries out empirical research, discusses the classroom model of writing teaching based on scaffolding teaching, pays attention to the integration of writing tasks and textbooks used by students. The influence of the teaching method on writing is discussed from the change of teachers and students' roles, so there are some innovations in the research angle and content. The research still has some shortcomings, but its teaching effect is obvious. I hope this paper can promote more scholars to explore the application of scaffolding teaching.


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