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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-06-04 05:51
[Abstract]:The Book of morality is the work of Lao Zi, an ancient philosopher in China. It can be said to be the collection of Taoist culture, but also the beginning of Chinese philosophy. Its connotation is rich, the speech is refined. Although the full text has only five thousand words, it contains the essence of many cultures, such as governing the country, self-cultivation and so on. Throughout the full text of the moral Sutra, we can see that the core concept category of Tao runs through the whole article. Laozi's view on Tao in the Book of morality is multi-structural and multi-level. Therefore, scholars' understanding of Tao is also from the point of view of benevolence, and from the wise to wisdom. However, at least one point of view is generally accepted by scholars at all times and in all over the world. That is, Tao is the commanding point for people to pursue moral cultivation in Taoist culture. The ideal goal of school moral education in our country is to train students to become the most holy and good people with communist dedication. Therefore, in a sense, the two are consistent. In the concept of Tao, "born and fattened, long but not slaughtered." The requirements of "knowing the common face" and "profit without harming" on the saints of "Tao" are also closely in line with the ultimate requirements of the goal of moral education in our country for students. However, after many periods of systematic reform, the goal of moral education in schools in our country has been greatly improved, but in addition to the setting of the content of moral education objectives in schools is not perfect. The lag characteristics of education itself make it difficult to get rid of the criticism of poor effectiveness of school moral education goals. This requires that the goal of school moral education must be layered, because only by setting the goal of multi-level moral education can we detect the goal of moral education in multiple stages and promote the effectiveness of moral education by improving the hierarchical sequence of moral education objectives. Therefore, the moral hierarchy of Tao in the Book of morality is deeply analyzed and fully applied to the process of setting the goal level of moral education in schools. Strive to provide reference for the sequential division of school moral education objectives. This study will focus on the analysis of the internal structure of Tao and the division of its moral levels in the Book of morality, and try its best to restore Laozi's original thought on Tao and its internal hierarchy according to the understanding of the original content of the Book of morality. On the basis of understanding the existing problems of the goal of moral education in contemporary schools in our country, this paper finds out the coincidence point between the division of the goal level of moral education and the division of moral level of "Tao". In order to provide reasonable suggestions for the hierarchical division of school moral education objectives. In order to improve the effectiveness of the goal of moral education in schools to provide a certain degree of effective reference. Based on this, this study adheres to the combination of theory and practice, focusing on the use of historical literature and literature analysis to analyze the related issues. First of all, based on the brilliant book Laozi's Notes on Silk, and combined with the different works of modern scholars on the Book of morality, on the basis of trying to restore the original text of the Book of morality, From the point of view of moral analysis, this paper analyzes the connotation of Tao and the division of its levels. Excavate the connotation and characteristics of different moral levels of Tao and the internal relationship between them. Secondly, based on the analysis of the objective stratification of school moral education goal in contemporary China, this paper analyzes the setting of moral education goal content in each section according to the stratification of moral education goal, and sums up the existing problems of moral education goal stratification. Finally, according to the multiple basis of the goal of school moral education and the reference provided by the division of moral levels of Tao in the Book of morality, this paper provides reasonable suggestions for the stratification of the goal of moral education in schools.


中國(guó)期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前10條

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中國(guó)博士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前3條

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中國(guó)碩士學(xué)位論文全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前1條

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