
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 營銷論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-11-05 07:56
[Abstract]:China's economy has grown rapidly over the past two decades and is now moving from a manufacturing power to a manufacturing powerhouse. As the pillar industry of the national economy, the iron and steel industry has also created a miraculous speed of development, China's crude steel output has maintained the first in the world since 1996. There are two main processes for steelmaking: converter and electric arc furnace. Converter process still accounts for the mainstream of global steel production, but the EAF steelmaking process is favored by more and more countries because of its energy saving and environmental protection characteristics. At present, the proportion of EAF steel in global steel production is about 28%. The proportion of EAF steel in China is even lower (less than 10%), but with the strengthening of environmental protection awareness in China and the abundant supply of scrap steel resources, the proportion of EAF steelmaking in China will continue to increase. Graphite electrode, an indispensable auxiliary material in electric furnace steelmaking process, will increase with its demand, and the graphite electrode industry in China will have a great development space. In the face of the huge market expectation in the future, in recent years, many merchants have invested in the graphite electrode industry in China, but in recent years, the development of graphite electrode industry in China is not as good as expected. A considerable number of enterprises have gradually lost their original market share because of mismanagement, strategic mistakes, insufficient funds, technical bottlenecks, coupled with fierce competition in the market, and individual enterprises have even reached the point of bankruptcy and liquidation. The survival and development of enterprises have encountered an unprecedented crisis. However, the sluggish graphite electrode market environment in China has given some people a clear development strategy to optimize their product mix. Advanced production and management technology of foreign-funded enterprises bring development opportunities and good prospects. G company, as a leader of foreign-funded graphite electrode enterprises, has formulated long-term development plans and marketing strategies in line with the current situation in China. Finally, in the competition to gain and maintain a competitive advantage. This paper first analyzes the internal and external environment of the company to understand the market environment of the company, then through strategic analysis, combined with the company's own strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and challenges as a prerequisite. To the Chinese market strategic planning, clear market positioning. Based on the comprehensive analysis of the existing marketing strategies and the analysis of G Company's control of the implementation of these strategies, this paper puts forward some suggestions for the improvement of the existing management strategies of graphite electrode enterprises in China. In this paper, the case study and system analysis are used to analyze the marketing strategy of G Company in China. Taking the marketing strategy implemented by overseas G Company in China as a case study, from the formulation to implementation of the strategy, and the results achieved, the paper interprets that G Company is market-oriented under the environment of intense market competition in China. Customer-based sustainable development of the marketing concept, and hope to provide reference for the future development of graphite electrode industry in China.


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