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發(fā)布時間:2018-11-05 10:05
[Abstract]:The National Doll is a doll product based on the characters of Yunnan ethnic minorities. After nearly 20 years of development, "National Doll" has become a very important national cultural product in Yunnan. It has been rated as the most representative of "Ten Cultural symbols of Yunnan" and "Ten distinctive Cultural products" of Yunnan Province. "National Doll" is not only favored by a large number of domestic consumers, but also sold well in Europe and South America, and even as a gift to foreign guests. The production enterprises have also been selected for several consecutive years in the list of key Enterprises of National Cultural Export. "National Doll" has become a prominent representative of Yunnan's cultural products to the whole country and to the world. From the point of view of development value, "national doll" has both cultural value and economic value, and from the development condition, "national doll" has development advantages such as cultural resources, social resources, natural resources and policy resources. However, due to the problems of low level of product design, vague positioning of product market, single means of product marketing, lack of brand effect and imperfect mode of industrial development, "National Doll" has experienced a period of development, a period of transition, a period of glory, etc. In recent years began to enter a lag period of development. To solve the problems encountered in the current development of "National Doll", we need to focus on product design, market expansion, derivatives development and brand building. In the aspect of product design, we should make full use of the cultural and artistic resources of ethnic minorities to improve the level of product design. Market development needs to do a good job in market positioning, market selection and market segmentation, grasp the new product listing opportunities, broaden the sales channels, improve the marketing level. At the same time, we also need to actively innovate the industrial development model of "national dolls" and pay attention to the development of derivatives of "national dolls", including the theme animation of "national dolls". "National doll" theme park and "national doll" peripheral consumer products development; In the aspect of brand shaping, we should follow the life cycle law of brand development and formulate brand development strategies according to different tasks of different stages of brand development.


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