
當前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 營銷論文 >


發(fā)布時間:2018-10-31 12:28
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of Chinese economy, the competition of enterprises is becoming more and more serious. Under the situation of increasingly severe domestic competition, survival and development is a problem that an enterprise must face, but for state-owned enterprises, Strategic positioning not only affects the survival of the enterprise, but also has a direct relationship with the value of the state-owned assets. In order to make effective use of enterprise resources, bring into play the original advantages of enterprises and develop new business, a large number of state-owned enterprises with deep talent reserves have chosen the diversification strategy one after another and explored the practical strategies of diversification development. The author's research object is K Engineering Design Company. K Engineering Design Company hopes to consolidate its position in the chemical design industry, further increase profits, and diversify its development strategy is the only way, at the same time, It is necessary to analyze and apply diversification decision scientifically to avoid the risk of diversification strategy. The author first expounds the relevant theories of diversification strategy, including the classification of diversification strategy, the development of diversification strategy in China, the relevant theoretical tools of diversification strategy, and formulates the development strategy suitable for K engineering design company through theoretical research. After that, the business of K engineering design company is introduced in detail. Use Michael. Porter's five power competition models analyze the industry competition of the company. The PEST model is used to analyze the macro environment of the company, including the social environment, technical environment, political environment and economic environment of K engineering design company. Finally, the SWOT analysis model is used to analyze the internal environment of the company to further clarify the strengths and weaknesses of the company at this stage. The fourth part makes a detailed analysis of the current situation of the company and demonstrates the basis of the diversification strategy from the aspects of financial ability, marketing ability, production management ability, organizational ability and corporate culture. At last, it formulates the diversified development strategy for K Company, including the adjustment of organizational structure, basic management, construction of corporate culture and other specific implementation methods. In this paper, according to the actual management situation of K Engineering Company, the necessity of carrying out diversified development of K Engineering Company is demonstrated by using the theory and model of strategic management, and the scientific analysis of a large amount of data is carried out. Put forward the concrete diversification strategy implementation plan. This paper is of practical significance to the further development of K Engineering Company and can be used as a reference for other enterprises in this industry.


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