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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-12 17:29
[Abstract]:With the development of economy, fire protection industry is an important part of national economy and social development. With the development of social economy and the continuous improvement of people's living standard, people's demand for safety and security is becoming higher and higher, and the demand for fire protection products is also increasing. The market demand changes from passive demand to active demand. This brings unprecedented opportunity to the development of fire fighting enterprises. How to seize the opportunity, how to optimize the existing marketing strategy, and how to improve the market share and achieve the profit of the company, which is represented by TKTY Company. The TKTY Company studied in this paper is a private fire fighting equipment agent company which mainly sells and installs imported automatic fire extinguishing system and fire alarm system products. In this paper, the marketing strategy of imported high pressure water mist products by TKTY Company is taken as the research object, and combined with the characteristics and trends of the fire fighting automatic fire-fighting equipment industry, the optimization of the marketing strategy of the company is analyzed. Firstly, the author analyzes the macro environment, the industry environment and the current policy trends of the enterprise through the internal and external environment analysis and PEST analysis, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the enterprise, the opportunities and challenges in the future by using the SWOT analysis method. The existing marketing strategy of the company has a comprehensive combing of the problems. Finally, according to the problems in marketing, the direction of marketing strategy optimization and the implementation measures are determined. Through the research, the author thinks that TKTY Company should first enhance the after-sales service of the products, which is of great significance to enhance the product differentiation characteristics and maintain the sustained and stable growth of the market share; secondly, to improve the organizational construction of the sales personnel, This is not only conducive to the stability of the marketing team, but also to improve the sales performance, but also to enhance the professional image of the enterprise. Again, by paying close attention to the organization and participation of industry activities, to improve the technical level and market sensitivity of TKTY company; Finally, by improving the differentiation strategy, pricing strategy and promotion strategy of the high pressure water mist product, the overall optimization of the high pressure water mist product marketing strategy of TKTY company is realized, and the profitability of the enterprise is improved.


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