
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 營(yíng)銷論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-12 17:15
[Abstract]:In modern life, telecom broadband has become an extremely important part. Since the country opened up the telecommunications broadband market, the competition of market share among telecom operators has become more and more fierce. In order to gain more initiative in the broadband market, telecom operators have been continuously increasing their marketing efforts over the years, enriching their own marketing measures and giving consumers greater incentives. But at the same time, we should realize the development model of customer data center and establish the model of broadband targeted marketing system. The development of big data's mining technology now provides the technical support for it. At present, the method of customer segmentation of China Telecom is mainly based on experience or simple statistics, there is no real connection between customers and enterprises, which can not meet the needs of the development of broadband services. From the point of view of the market environment and the development of telecom operators, this paper points out that there are still many problems in the management of customer relations. From the angle of data mining theory, the target marketing system of telecom broadband customer is analyzed in detail. This paper first explains the significance and application of data mining technology in modern society, discusses the importance of customer segmentation in telecommunication industry, designs a new model of customer segmentation, and proposes an optimization scheme for decision tree algorithm. The requirement analysis of broadband customer precision marketing system is completed. Based on the optimized decision tree scheme, the customer data of Jiangsu Telecom is mined on the mining tool software to realize customer group segmentation. According to the characteristics of customer group, a targeted broadband marketing scheme is designed to improve customer trust. The research results show that the design and function module of the marketing system are analyzed in detail, and the validity and practicability of the system are verified by comparing the telecom broadband customer data before and after the realization of the system. In order to improve the market share of enterprises has a certain practical significance.


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