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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-13 09:23
【摘要】:新聞客戶端又稱新聞APP,是服務(wù)方基于蘋果i OS、安卓等平臺提供新聞資訊、新聞服務(wù)的移動應(yīng)用程序。用戶下載該類應(yīng)用程序到移動終端上,通過網(wǎng)絡(luò)與服務(wù)端建立連接,接入使用。由于新聞客戶端是一種便捷、易得、實時的新聞閱讀方式,因此被越來越多的用戶使用。而網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端在2013年7月9日用戶量就已突破1.2億,將網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端作為研究對象,對研究新聞客戶端具有重要意義。本文共分為五個部分。第一部分為緒論,主要介紹本文的研究的背景、目的及研究方法。第二部分即正文第一章,主要介紹了網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端的發(fā)展概況,包括網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端興起的時代背景、對手分析及發(fā)展歷程,對網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端的歷史進行了梳理。第三部分即正文第二章,主要分析了網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端目前存在的問題。在這部分中,主要從四個角度對網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端進行了分析,指出了其目前存在的問題。第四部分即正文第三章,主要針對第二章的問題提出了解決措施。在這一章中,以4C營銷理論為理論基礎(chǔ),從用戶需求、成本、便利性和溝通四個角度對網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端的問題提出了解決措施。最后為本文的結(jié)論部分。本文旨在通過4C營銷理論,對網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端在發(fā)展過程中存在的問題及對策進行分析,從而使網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端能夠更好地發(fā)展。此外,研究網(wǎng)易新聞客戶端對整個新聞類客戶端的營銷策略也有一定的參考價值。
[Abstract]:The news client also calls APP, a mobile app for news and news services based on platforms such as Apple's I OS, Android. Users download such applications to mobile terminals, establish a connection with the server through the network, and access the application. News client is a convenient, easy and real-time way to read news, so it is used by more and more users. NetEase's news client has exceeded 120 million users on July 9, 2013. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the news client by taking NetEase news client as the research object. This paper is divided into five parts. The first part is the introduction, mainly introduces the background, purpose and research method of this paper. The second part is the first chapter of the text, mainly introduces the development of NetEase news client, including the background of the rise of the news client, the opponent analysis and the development process. The third part, the second chapter, mainly analyzes the problems existing in NetEase's news client. In this part, the author analyzes NetEase's news client from four angles and points out its existing problems. The fourth part is the third chapter of the text, mainly for the second chapter of the problem proposed solutions. In this chapter, based on the 4C marketing theory, the author puts forward some measures to solve the problems of NetEase's news client from the aspects of user demand, cost, convenience and communication. The last part is the conclusion of this paper. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems and countermeasures in the development of NetEase's news client through the 4C marketing theory, so as to enable the news client of NetEase to develop better. In addition, the study of NetEase news client to the entire news client marketing strategy also has certain reference value.


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