

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-08 18:23
[Abstract]:With the implementation of the "Internet Circulation" Action Plan, China has formed a new stage of development in which the commodity economy is dominant and the market plays a decisive role in economic construction. With the deep integration of China's manufacturing industry and the Internet, the transformation and upgrading of "made in China" has brought unprecedented opportunities to the retail industry in China. Since the eighties and nineties of the 20th century, the development of the retail industry in China has achieved remarkable results. Chains of supermarkets, small stores and so on have opened all over the country, which has played an important supporting role in the development of the national economy of our country. In the new period of economic development transformation and upgrading in our country, the economic development model that used to rely on heavy industry has been changed to rely on the development and promotion of the tertiary industry. The retail industry is closely related to the tertiary industry, and the retail industry is growing at the same time. It is important for the tertiary industry to occupy the main share of the gross national economic output value. However, in recent years, the overall marketing efficiency of the retail industry in our country has begun to slow down, with the decrease of the total amount. The retail industry of our country has entered a period of low speed development, and the scale effect that relies on the chain form is becoming weaker and weaker in the past, so the retail industry has bid farewell to the high-speed growth model. Therefore, the research on the macro marketing efficiency of this paper is beneficial to the retail industry in our country by continuously increasing the proportion of self-owned and self-owned brand commodities, developing chain operation, purchasing alliance and other organizational forms. In order to realize the efficiency of reducing the cost and improving the quality of the retail enterprises, the ability of the retail industry to realize the transformation and upgrade can be improved through information, networking and intelligence.
【作者單位】: 陜西工業(yè)職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院;


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