
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 營銷論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-08 16:08
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of economic globalization and science and technology, the vertical division of labor between industries is more specific, and the information transmission is more rapid, facing the development trend of homogenization of products. Seeking differentiation has become an important means for enterprises to cope with fierce market competition. On the basis of subdividing the market, the enterprise chooses two or more segments as the target market, and designs the strategies of product, price, promotion and so on according to the demand characteristics of the target market. Domestic scholars have formed a theoretical system of enterprise differentiation marketing in various forms, rich in content and in line with China's national conditions. However, there are few research materials on insulating material products in this particular industry. This is not consistent with the development of the insulation industry in China. Therefore, it is of positive significance to explore the feasibility of differentiated marketing in the direction of product, price, channel, promotion and so on. In this paper, Zhuzhou time Electric Insulation Co., Ltd. is taken as the research object, using the methods of literature analysis, case study, interview and so on, to study the existing marketing strategy of Zhuzhou Times Electric Insulation Co., Ltd. It is found that the company has some problems, such as backward marketing concept, unclear marketing target, single sales channel, low brand popularity and so on. In order to improve the company's market competitiveness and reduce the risk of operation, this paper makes use of STP theory and differential marketing theory, according to the external environment, the industry development situation, the competition situation and the internal resource ability of the company. For the company to develop a differentiated marketing strategy program. The plan suggests that the company improve the operation efficiency and sales performance of the company through differentiated marketing, focusing on "insulating products", "special electromagnetic wires" and "special coatings" to improve the quality of products at the same time, Value instead of price competition, innovative sales channels and promotion means. The differential marketing strategy made in this paper is helpful for the insulation company to realize the transformation of industrial structure, to get out of the current predicament and to improve the performance of the company.


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