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發(fā)布時間:2018-10-04 23:35
[Abstract]:With the rapid development of China's national economy and the increasing energy demand, especially the increasingly tight supply of petroleum products, many refineries and chemical enterprises have carried out capacity expansion and expansion, and a number of refining and chemical production capacity projects are planned to be built. With the unreasonable industrial layout and environmental pollution problems, the state has issued a series of industrial layout, safety, environmental protection, energy conservation and emission reduction and other related policy laws, regulations and guidance to guide the development of the refining and chemical industry. As the main participants in refinery project construction, refinery design enterprises need to adjust their marketing strategies in market development. In addition, after the construction of the structure of the refining and chemical industry has been completed, there will be few new refineries to be built, only some technical and technical renovation projects and small construction projects, and there will not be more new plant design tasks in the refining and chemical design industry. The market competition of refinery design enterprises is becoming more and more fierce. From the point of view of market development of refinery design enterprises, this paper analyzes the external and internal environment of refinery design enterprises by using PEST, Porter five-force model and SWOT, and uses 4Ps marketing combination strategy to analyze the products and prices of the enterprises. The market development strategy should be adopted in the channel and promotion mode is described in detail. The core part of the paper is in the fourth to sixth chapters, the main content is to analyze the refining and chemical design enterprises and the typical case enterprise CE company in order to determine the market development strategy. In the fourth chapter, from four aspects of political and legal environment, (P), economic environment, (E), social environment, (S), technology environment, (T), the external macro environment of refinery design industry is analyzed, and the Porter five-force model is used. This paper analyzes the competitive environment of refining design industry from five aspects, such as the threat of new entrants. In the fifth chapter, taking CE Company as an example, the paper analyzes the internal competitive advantages and disadvantages, as well as external opportunities and threats of CE Company in detail by using SWOT analysis method, and draws a matrix analysis table. The analysis determines that CE is suitable for choosing growth strategy at this stage. In the sixth chapter, using the 4Ps marketing combination strategy to determine the market development strategy, that is, to continue to consolidate the original market, and in the new market areas to break through, improve the competitiveness of each region of the refining design market, To achieve market share growth in upstream and downstream cross-border plants and related devices, to expand overseas market share on the premise of ensuring domestic market share, relying on technological advantages to open up the coal chemical plant design market, At the same time, the design as the main business to expand the general contracting business, this chapter mainly describes the market development strategy of the goal, the main strategy and implementation of the protection. It is hoped that the research on the refining design market can play a positive role in the refinery design enterprises and the enterprises planning to enter the refining design industry.


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