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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-10-04 23:24
[Abstract]:With the rise of new wave science and technology, social media is developing rapidly. Consumers are increasingly willing to gather in a community or community of people who share interests or are familiar with each other, sharing their buying experiences and providing helpful information to others. They are more closely associated with the same interests, hobbies, or experiences, and consumers' trust in members of the community is growing. On the other hand, with the exposure of a series of dishonesty phenomena and even illegal phenomena, the disclosure of information of vicious events, the false propaganda in the process of enterprise marketing has been reported, and the degree of consumer trust in the enterprise is declining. As a result, consumers are changing from trust companies to other consumers, which Philip Kotler believes shows that consumer trust relationships are changing from vertical to horizontal trust. In the field of marketing, the previous research on the subject of consumer trust is mostly vertical trust, such as consumer trust in enterprises, trust in marketers, trust in websites, and so on. Systematic research on consumers' level of trust with other consumers is not yet widespread. In this paper, the empirical method is used to explore the influence of horizontal trust on consumers' purchasing decisions. Firstly, according to the previous research literature on trust, this paper develops a scale of level trust based on interviews and empirical evidence, and determines that horizontal trust includes three dimensions: consumer ability, consumer goodwill and consumer honesty. On this basis, the level of trust as an independent variable, consumer purchase decision as a dependent variable; in turn, perceived value as an intermediary variable, perceived risk as a regulatory variable to build the two research models, and put forward assumptions. By designing questionnaires, collecting data and testing models and hypotheses. The results show that: level trust positively affects consumers' purchase decision, perceived value plays an intermediary role between horizontal trust and purchase decision, and perceived risk has a negative effect on the relationship between horizontal trust and purchase decision. Finally, based on the research results of this paper, some suggestions for enterprises are put forward: pay attention to the strong influence of community, pay attention to the role of word of mouth communication in consumers, give play to the position and role of consumers' marketing subject; Bear the responsibility of the enterprise itself and drive marketing with values.


中國(guó)期刊全文數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù) 前10條

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