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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下的品牌忠誠度研究 出處:《安徽大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播 消費者 品牌忠誠度

【摘要】:隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)與計算機用戶的不斷增加,人們接觸信息的渠道方式變得更加豐富、便捷。在數(shù)字媒體技術(shù)的驅(qū)動下,品牌傳播的媒介形態(tài)變得十分豐富,消費者行為發(fā)生了很大的變化。這種變化不僅包含了人們信息接觸方式的多樣化,消費者購買需求的差異化、個性化,還反映出消費者對品牌偏好態(tài)度的不確定性。這些變化都使得消費者對品牌的選擇與喜愛不如傳統(tǒng)營銷傳播環(huán)境中那么明顯、穩(wěn)定,從而影響消費者對品牌高度、長期忠誠度的形成。在基于數(shù)字網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)的信息社會中,信息對整個人類社會的影響與意義正在不斷地提升至一個前所未有的階段。從消費者行為理論視角出發(fā),消費者在經(jīng)歷了品牌信息搜索、積累與比較的過程后,才能做出最后的購買選擇。在網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下,消費者對品牌的認知不再局限于自身對品牌的固有印象,而是其頭腦中的品牌知識儲備與網(wǎng)絡(luò)媒體上可搜索到的品牌信息的集合。品牌信息傳播和消費者溝通行為的變化,促使消費者對品牌的忠誠也發(fā)生了改變。在新的傳播環(huán)境下,企業(yè)若想打造一個強勢品牌,維持或提升原有的品牌競爭力,就無法忽略品牌信息傳播策略以及品牌與消費者的信息溝通方式在品牌與消費者建立忠誠關(guān)系中的決定性作用。本文從傳播視角出發(fā),首先是對數(shù)字網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)驅(qū)動下的品牌傳播環(huán)境變化進行梳理分析,對比傳統(tǒng)傳播環(huán)境與網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境中的媒介形態(tài)、信息形式和傳播模式等方面的改變,歸納得出網(wǎng)絡(luò)品牌傳播的新特點,并指出當(dāng)下品牌傳播所存在的主問題:傳播過程中充斥大量信息噪音、產(chǎn)品信息同質(zhì)化、企業(yè)過分寄期望于社會化營銷、消費者品牌偏好不明顯。其次,品牌傳播環(huán)境的變化使得消費者在傳播過程中的地位有了很大提高。本文將網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下的消費者行為,尤其是消費者信息溝通行為,與傳統(tǒng)傳播環(huán)境進行對比,指出企業(yè)與消費者在信息傳播過程中的傳受關(guān)系的變化,歸納出數(shù)字網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)對消費者行為所產(chǎn)生的影響,以及消費者在網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下溝通方式的新特點。在前文對傳播環(huán)境與消費者行為變化的分析基礎(chǔ)上,本文又分別從認知、行為和態(tài)度三個層面出發(fā),分析網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下,消費者品牌忠誠的主要影響因素的內(nèi)涵變化。同時,借鑒Leo Burnett對消費者的分類,將消費者按照其對品牌的忠誠程度高低分為“長期忠誠者”、“品牌更換者”、“優(yōu)惠敏感者”以及“價格敏感者”,并指出品牌的核心消費者是“長期忠誠者”;企業(yè)在維持“長期忠誠者”與品牌關(guān)系穩(wěn)定的同時,還需爭取將“品牌更換者”轉(zhuǎn)化為“長期忠誠者”。由此總結(jié)出企業(yè)若要達到上述目標所要解決的主要問題:品牌轉(zhuǎn)化成本需要削減;網(wǎng)絡(luò)口碑傳播需得到重視;品牌偏好不穩(wěn)定不明顯,品牌情感關(guān)系需要加強。。通過前文對網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下的品牌忠誠影響因素以及消費者層次的分析,得出企業(yè)為了提升消費者品牌忠誠,在具體實踐操作中可能會面臨的難題。企業(yè)必須順應(yīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境與消費者行為變化趨勢,不斷調(diào)整品牌的傳播戰(zhàn)略與具體策略。本文選擇了近年來利用網(wǎng)絡(luò)媒體進行品牌傳播,并取得了良好市場競爭地位的小米手機為例,其在積累品牌資產(chǎn)過程中,與消費者建立了高度活躍的連接關(guān)系,收獲了較多的品牌忠誠者。通過對其品牌傳播策略的具體分析,找出小米手機的核心消費者對其產(chǎn)生高度品牌忠誠的原因。最后,通過前文對品牌傳播環(huán)境、消費者溝通行為以及品牌忠誠內(nèi)在影響因素的綜合分析,結(jié)合小米手機在網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下提升品牌忠誠的成功經(jīng)驗,借鑒KeIIer的品牌共鳴模型,從品牌識別、品牌內(nèi)涵、品牌反應(yīng)、品牌聯(lián)系四個步驟,進一步提出在網(wǎng)絡(luò)傳播環(huán)境下,提升消費者對品牌忠誠的具體傳播策略。
[Abstract]:With the continuous increase of Internet and computer users, people access to information channels become more abundant, convenient. In the drive of digital media technology, brand communication media has become very rich, has undergone great changes in consumer behavior. This change includes not only the diversification of people's contact information, the difference of demand for consumers to buy and personalized, also reflects the consumer attitudes towards brand preference uncertainty. These changes make the consumer choice and love of the brand as the traditional marketing communication environment so obvious, stable, thus affecting the consumer brand height, the formation of long-term loyalty. Based on the digital network technology in the information society, the information impact on the whole the significance of human society and is constantly upgrading to a hitherto unknown stage. From the perspective of the theory of consumer behavior, consumer Fee after the brand information search process, accumulation and comparison, in order to make the final purchase choice. In the network communication environment, consumer awareness of the brand is no longer confined to the inherent impression of the brand, but the brand information collection in the minds of brand knowledge and network media can be searched change of brand information communication and consumer communication behavior, encourage consumers to the brand loyalty is also changed. In the new media environment, for enterprises to create a strong brand, maintain or enhance the original brand competitiveness, we can not ignore the brand communication strategy and brand and consumer information communication mode to establish a decisive role loyalty in the brand and the consumer. From the communication perspective, the first is the brand communication environment change on digital network technology driven comb Analysis and comparison of traditional communication environment and network communication environment in the form of media, information form and mode of transmission change, and concludes new characteristics of brand communication network, and points out the main problems existing in the brand communication: communication process with a large number of noise information, product information homogenization, enterprise too expect to send social marketing, consumer brand preference is not obvious. Secondly, change the brand communication environment allows consumers in the process of transmission status has been greatly improved. The consumer behavior under the environment of network communication, especially the behavior of consumer information communication, compared with the traditional communication environment, pointed out that the changes of enterprises and consumers in the information dissemination process by the mass, summed up the impact of digital network technology produced on consumer behavior, and consumers in the network communication environment, communication mode The new features. Based on the analysis of previous changes to the communication environment and consumer behavior, this paper respectively from the three aspects of cognition, behavior and attitude analysis under the environment of network communication, the main influence factors of consumer brand loyalty connotation changes. At the same time, according to Leo Burnett classification of consumers, consumers will be in accordance with its brand loyalty degree is divided into "long-term" brand loyalty ", change", "preference sensitive" and "price sensitive", and pointed out that the core brand is "long-term loyalty"; enterprises in maintaining long-term loyalty and brand relationship stability at the same time, also need to "brand replacement" into "long-term loyalty". It summed up the main problems in order to achieve the goal to solve the enterprise: brand transformation costs need to be cut; network need word of mouth spread To pay attention to brand preference; instability is not obvious, the need to strengthen the brand relationship. Through the above on the network communication environment, the brand loyalty influencing factors and analysis of the consumer level, the enterprises in order to enhance consumer brand loyalty, problem in practice may face. Enterprises must adapt to the trend of changes in consumer behavior and network communication environment communication strategy and specific strategies, constantly adjust the brand. This paper chooses in recent years the use of network media in brand communication, and achieved good market competitive position of the millet mobile phone as an example, the accumulation of brand equity in the process of establishing a connection between consumers and highly active, harvest more brand loyalty through the concrete. Analysis on the brand communication strategy, core consumer finds millet mobile phone causes high brand loyalty to it. Finally, through After the preamble to the brand communication environment, a comprehensive analysis of factors of consumer behavior and brand loyalty effect of internal communication, combined with the successful experience of millet mobile phone to enhance brand loyalty under the network environment, the brand resonance model of KeIIer, from the brand recognition, brand connotation, brand, brand with four steps, further spread in the network environment next, enhance the specific communication strategies on consumer brand loyalty.



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