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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-09 04:12

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:太原重工油膜軸承業(yè)務(wù)經(jīng)營(yíng)戰(zhàn)略研究 出處:《蘭州交通大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 太原重工 油膜軸承業(yè)務(wù) 重型機(jī)械行業(yè) 運(yùn)營(yíng)戰(zhàn)略

[Abstract]:Taiyuan heavy Industry, as a large state-owned enterprise, is the first listed company in the heavy machinery industry of our country. It is praised as "the treasure of the country" and "the pioneer of the national economy". The main products of the company are lifting equipment and rolling equipment. Forging equipment, excavating equipment, coke oven equipment, coal chemical equipment, wind power equipment, oil film bearing, gear transmission, railway axle, casting forging, etc. The TZ oil film bearing of Taiyuan heavy Industry is the leading product with independent intellectual property rights, which ends the history of imported rolling mill oil film bearings in China. It is important to promote the balanced development of the world metallurgical industry, although TZ oil film bearings are based on American technology for independent innovation. But this has also facilitated its internationalization. Taiyuan heavy Industries has become the world's largest manufacturer of oil-film bearings since its massive technological transformation in 2000. Its market share in the domestic market has exceeded 80%. With the complex and changeable international economic situation and the domestic economic situation of slowing economic growth, the steel market of our country is gradually weakening. Taiyuan heavy Industries, which is closely linked to the performance of iron and steel enterprises, is also deeply affected. In the domestic market, though there are 154 rolling mill lines in 79 steel mills across the country, oil film bearings are used. But with the gradual overcapacity of domestic steel, investment-led new projects are no longer possible to start construction, this situation is not expected to change in five years; In addition, Morgan, Danieri and Seimak have invested in building factories at home. The new products will have a strong impact on Taiyuan heavy Industries' market share and prices. Although Taiyuan heavy Industries rolling mill oil film bearings can be exported to 15 countries and regions, but in the export process also faces the patent barriers of foreign manufacturers. At present, Taiyuan heavy Industry can only obtain limited oil film bearing spare parts order with the help of middlemen. Firstly, the development status of oil film bearing technology at home and abroad is combed in this paper. And related strategic analysis tools are introduced; Then, the macro environment and industrial environment of oil film bearing business of Taiyuan heavy industry are analyzed by using PEST analysis model and Porter's five-force competition model. Secondly, on the basis of introducing the development course of Taiyuan heavy Industry, it analyzes its financial ability, marketing ability, organization management ability and production management ability, and combines the opportunities and threats in the external environment. The SWOT matrix is established by Taiyuan heavy Industry's own advantages and disadvantages. Thirdly, the paper puts forward the management strategy that Taiyuan heavy Industry should choose: at the overall strategic level, Taiyuan heavy Industry should set up strategic alliance to enter the emerging international market; At the level of competition strategy, Taiyuan heavy Industry should choose cost leading strategy and service differentiation strategy. At the functional strategic level, Taiyuan heavy Industry should re-market positioning, build a reasonable human resources plan, reduce financing costs. Finally, in the implementation of the strategy. Taiyuan heavy Industry should establish a flat organizational structure and reshape the corporate culture suitable to the international management strategy.


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