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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:顧客忠誠計(jì)劃結(jié)構(gòu)對顧客感知地位的影響研究 出處:《北京理工大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 忠誠計(jì)劃結(jié)構(gòu) 軟性利益 硬性利益 顧客感知地位

【摘要】:顧客忠誠計(jì)劃作為顧客關(guān)系管理的重要工具,在企業(yè)的營銷活動中有著重要作用。從酒店、航空公司到零售、電信、金融等各行各業(yè),隨處可見顧客忠誠計(jì)劃。但是,很多企業(yè)盲目采用忠誠計(jì)劃,卻忽視了實(shí)施的忠誠計(jì)劃是否真的有效。已有的研究發(fā)現(xiàn),不同等級和比例的忠誠計(jì)劃帶給會員們的感知是不一樣的,兩層和三層結(jié)構(gòu)的忠誠計(jì)劃哪種更好,軟性利益還是硬性利益能讓頂層顧客更有優(yōu)越感,不同行業(yè)應(yīng)該如何設(shè)計(jì)忠誠計(jì)劃來提升頂層顧客的感知地位,都有著重要的現(xiàn)實(shí)意義和理論意義。因此,本文研究忠誠計(jì)劃結(jié)構(gòu)對顧客感知地位在不同行業(yè)的影響,有助于企業(yè)更好地依據(jù)行業(yè)和自身特點(diǎn)設(shè)計(jì)實(shí)施有效的忠誠計(jì)劃。 本研究在前人關(guān)于忠誠計(jì)劃結(jié)構(gòu)對顧客感知地位影響的相關(guān)研究基礎(chǔ)之上,立足于國內(nèi)忠誠計(jì)劃理論研究水平不足但管理實(shí)踐急需理論指導(dǎo)的現(xiàn)狀,選擇忠誠計(jì)劃已在業(yè)內(nèi)得到普遍應(yīng)用并且排他性差異大的航空業(yè)和超市零售業(yè)作為行業(yè)樣本,采用實(shí)驗(yàn)設(shè)計(jì)的方法,討論了兩個(gè)行業(yè)忠誠計(jì)劃等級數(shù)、不同等級所占比例以及顧客利益的變化對顧客感知地位的影響。 研究發(fā)現(xiàn):(1)在諸如航空業(yè)這種排他性高的行業(yè),三層的等級結(jié)構(gòu)比兩層的等級結(jié)構(gòu)更能提升頂層顧客的感知地位,頂層比例越小,頂層顧客感知地位越高;同時(shí)軟性利益比硬性利益更能提升頂層顧客的感知地位。(2)在諸如超市零售業(yè)這種排他性低的行業(yè),提供給會員軟性利益時(shí),不管是三層還是兩層的忠誠計(jì)劃,頂層顧客的感知地位都不會有明顯變化,同時(shí),頂層比例的多少也不會對頂層顧客的感知地位造成影響;但是當(dāng)把軟性利益換為硬性利益時(shí),這種情況發(fā)生了改變,三層的等級結(jié)構(gòu)以及頂層比例越小時(shí)頂層顧客的感知地位越高。 本文的研究為企業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)忠誠計(jì)劃提供了新的思路,以往企業(yè)在實(shí)施忠誠計(jì)劃時(shí)并沒有考慮到結(jié)合行業(yè)特點(diǎn)進(jìn)行設(shè)計(jì),,同時(shí)也并不考慮顧客心理上情感上的感知狀態(tài)變化,導(dǎo)致忠誠計(jì)劃未能真正發(fā)揮作用進(jìn)而留住顧客。而本文研究的重點(diǎn)就是評價(jià)不同的忠誠計(jì)劃結(jié)構(gòu)對顧客地位感知的影響在不同行業(yè)的表現(xiàn)。一個(gè)考慮到顧客感知地位變化和企業(yè)所在行業(yè)背景的忠誠計(jì)劃,才能幫助企業(yè)維系好與顧客的關(guān)系,使頂層顧客得到差別化的更好的體驗(yàn),進(jìn)而促進(jìn)顧客忠誠。
[Abstract]:Customer loyalty program as an important tool for customer relationship management, plays an important role in the marketing activities of enterprises. From the hotel, airline to retail, telecommunications, finance and other industries, can be seen everywhere customer loyalty plan. However, many companies blindly adopt loyalty program, but ignore the implementation of the loyalty program is really effective. The study found that the proportion of different grades and loyalty program to the members' perception is not the same, the structure of two layers and three layers of loyalty program which is better, soft or hard to top the interests of the interests of customers more superiority, different industries should be how to design the loyalty program to enhance the customer's perceived top position, all has important practical significance and theoretical significance. Therefore, this paper studies influence loyalty program structure in different industry on customer perceived status, will help companies better based on Industry Design and implement an effective loyalty plan with its own characteristics.
The study on the basis of previous research about the influence of loyalty program structure on customer perceived status, based on the theoretical research level of the domestic lack of loyalty program but is badly in need of management theory to guide practice, choose loyalty scheme has been widely used in the industry and exclusive differences in the airline industry and supermarket retail industry as a sample, using the the experimental design method, discusses the two industry level loyalty program number, influence of different grade proportion and the interests of customers on customer perceived status.
The study found that: (1) in the aviation industry such as the exclusive high profession, grade three layer structure can enhance the top customer perceived status more than grade two layer structure, the proportion of the top, the higher the top customer perceived status; at the same time, soft hard more than the interests of interest can ascend the top customer perceived status. (2) in the low exclusive supermarket retail industry such as this, providing members with soft interests, whether three or two layers of the top loyalty program, customer perceived status does not have a significant change, at the same time, the impact is not how much the top proportion on the top of customer perceived status; but when the soft interests for rigid interests, that changed, the higher the level of perceived status of three layer structure and the top top customers. The proportion of hours
This study provides a new idea for the design of enterprise loyalty program, the enterprises in the implementation of the loyalty program does not take into account the characteristics of the combination of industry design, but also does not consider the customer psychological perception of emotional state change, leading to loyalty plan failed to play the real role and retain customers. And the focus of this study is to evaluate effect of different structure on customer loyalty program status perception in different industries. A loyalty program considering customer perceived changes in status and industry background, can help enterprises to maintain a good relationship with the customer, the customer has differentiated better experience, and promote customer loyalty.



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