
當(dāng)前位置:主頁 > 管理論文 > 物流管理論文 >


發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-07-16 12:30
[Abstract]:As a large agricultural country, China is rich in agricultural resources, and the position of agricultural product logistics in the development of national economy can not be ignored. The development of agricultural product logistics is conducive to the establishment of a modern agricultural product circulation system, the realization of agricultural products circulation value, and the improvement of the competitiveness of agricultural products in China. However, due to the serious lag in the development of agricultural products logistics, this not only weakens the market competitiveness of Chinese agricultural products, but also has become the bottleneck of the whole logistics system in China. Heyuan City is an underdeveloped city in Guangdong Province, but agricultural development has a good development trend, and agricultural economy plays a vital role in the development of Heyuan economy. At the same time, with the further development of agriculture, However, the development of agricultural product logistics management has not kept pace with the pace. Backward logistics management channels and methods have restricted the realization of value for agricultural products, mainly reflected in the weakness of supporting facilities for agricultural products and the confusion in the development of agricultural products logistics market. In view of the backward e-commerce of agricultural products, poor supply chain stability and low value-added service level of agricultural products logistics, this paper cites relevant theories such as green logistics management and supply chain, taking Heyuan City as an example. It is further discussed that the problems of agricultural product logistics management in Heyuan City are that the government does not pay enough attention to agricultural product logistics, the development of agricultural product logistics market is not scientific, the information service of agricultural product logistics management is poor, and the cultivation of main body of agricultural product logistics management is not mature. As a result of the shortage of talents in agricultural product logistics management, it is proposed to give full play to the macro-control and service functions of the government of Heyuan City, to build a standardized agricultural product logistics market, to establish an information platform for agricultural products, and to build a supply chain for agricultural products in Heyuan City. Pay attention to logistics personnel training and logistics management technology improvement countermeasures.


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