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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-11 11:37

  本文選題:工藝布局改造 + 精益生產(chǎn) ; 參考:《電光與控制》2017年08期

[Abstract]:At present, in Military Avionics enterprises, there are many varieties and small batch production, finalized batch production, scientific research trial production and external repair cross and parallel, material types, logistics supporting methods lag behind, low production efficiency. In order to solve these problems, the overall assembly car of a certain enterprise uses lean thought, from the overall layout and production line of the workshop. The layout of the functional and unit mixed process layout is planned and designed. At the same time, the intelligent logistics system is introduced to realize the purpose of shortening the production cycle, simplifying the workshop logistics and improving the production efficiency. The principles and methods summed up in the process of practice are more reproducible, and the transformation of the same type of enterprises and workshops is made. There is a reference to it.
【作者單位】: 上海航空電器有限公司;


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