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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-10 17:10

  本文選題:精益成本管理 + 價值鏈; 參考:《河北師范大學》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:As the basic industry of China's economy, the iron and steel industry has fallen in the overall economy in recent years, the demand for steel market is weaker and the output is declining. During the "11th Five-Year", the overcapacity of the steel industry in China was overcapacity. The competition between steel and steel industry was intensifying and the price of steel was falling. The situation of the steel industry is not optimistic. In the face of the situation of low growth, low benefit, low price and high pressure. Facing the situation pressure of "three low and one high", the steel industry needs to change the mode of production and actively promote the innovation of financial management. The steel industry demand is insufficient, the output is reduced, and the competition between the industries is aggravated, the cost of steel and iron is only rising. The policy of national energy saving and emission reduction has also been promoted. The traditional cost management simply relies on raising the price to reduce the cost, but the increase in the price will reduce the market share, which is not conducive to the long-term development of the enterprise. Each enterprise has the responsibility and obligation to improve this situation. To change this situation, the upgrading of the structure and the importance of the financial strategy and cost management. It is becoming more and more important to deepen the supply side reform of the iron and steel industry and promote the capacity of the iron and steel industry. The cost management of the enterprise is particularly important in the strategic layout of the enterprise. In order to survive and develop, X company introduces lean cost management, adjusts product structure, tapping the potential and increasing efficiency for the sake of the survival and development of the enterprise. In order to reduce the cost effectively, enterprises adhere to the guidance of "doing fine, doing specialization and doing strong", taking the lean road and realizing the sustainable development of enterprises under the requirements of enterprise strategy guidance. Through the analysis of the lean cost management theory, this paper describes the specific application of lean cost management in the X Steel Corp. This article first gives a substitution of the implementation essence of X to the implementation of the Steel Corp. In the background of cost management, this paper introduces the basic situation of the enterprise and the status of cost management before the implementation of the lean cost management. It introduces the organization of cost management and the cost composition of the company. According to the specific situation of the company, it puts forward the existing problems of cost management, expounds the internal and external environmental changes facing the company, and then combines with lean. The role of cost management, the role of the company to implement lean cost management, and then the implementation of lean cost management support tools. Then the application of lean cost management in the X Steel Corp is introduced. In the introduction of the development and design process, the unit and specific steps of the company's development and design are introduced. Cases and specific cases, detailed analysis of the lean management of the development process, efficient completion of the development and financial process, the improvement of customer satisfaction, the formulation of the most economical design scheme. Secondly, the procurement process, specific introduction of the company in the procurement process, through the iron pre fuel clearance group, spare parts alliance, long-term strategy. Cooperation and other measures to reduce the cost of purchasing with the mutual benefit of the supplier. Then it is the manufacturing process. It introduces the two innovation points in the production process, the transformation and upgrading, the improvement of quality and the maximization of the enterprise value. The key to realize the lean production process is to combine the enterprise's financial and business effectively. In the process of business, it is to improve the quality of service and meet the needs of the customers. To cultivate high quality sales team and to implement lean management of sales expenses to achieve the goal of reducing the cost and increasing efficiency. Finally, the logistics link is introduced, the concrete measures to reduce the cost of the enterprise in the logistics link, the improvement of the transportation management system and information system, and the reduction of the warehouse. Combining the cost management of the previous parts, the lean logistics management is integrated into each step and the cost is reduced to the maximum. This article also introduces the lean management of the non productive costs by the X Steel Corp, from the internal control of the cost, to the output and the savings. Cost management and control to realize the strategic goal of the enterprise.X Steel Corp to develop green circular economy, responding to the national call, applying energy saving and emission reduction to cost management, reducing the efficiency and improving the competitiveness of the enterprise market. Then, using the related factors synthetic calculation method to calculate the results and implement the effect of lean cost management. This paper puts forward the reference and Enlightenment of the lean cost management of the X Steel Corp to the same industry. Through the literature reading and case study, this paper carries out the full value chain analysis of the X Steel Corp to promote the modern management model of.X, and combines the lean management and the cost management together effectively to make the management of the enterprise step into a greater step. On the basis of customer demand, we take the value added of customers as the guidance, understand the market situation, follow the market pace, formulate reasonable design plans according to customer needs and market changes, avoid unnecessary waste. Lean cost management makes every relevant department participate, combine the financial department with the business department effectively, and realize the full value chain. Management. Real-time monitoring of cost progress and dynamic understanding of cost control.


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