[Abstract]:The theoretical analysis shows that the local government's fiscal revenue is an important reason for the government to borrow, but the local government debt data are not easy to obtain, and there is a circular causal relationship between the financial situation and the debt scale, etc. Based on the data of 321 prefecture-level cities from 2004 to 2009, this paper first uses the inter-governmental transfer payment as the tool variable of the local government's financial profit and loss. It effectively controls the endogenous relationship between the financial situation and the debt scale, and empirically analyzes the relationship between the financial gap of the local government and the scale of the local debt. The relationship between the financial position of local governments and the scale of local debt is far from common sense, and there is a significant negative relationship between the two: that is, the larger the financial gap, the slower the growth of local debt. The traditional view that the financial difficulties of grass-roots governments lead to the rapid expansion of local debt scale is open to question, and there is another reason for the continuous expansion of local debt.
߆λ ⽛Q״WHQWԺ;
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