

發(fā)布時間:2018-05-04 08:34

  本文選題:涉農(nóng)資金 + 科學管理。 參考:《江西社會科學》2014年10期

[Abstract]:Taking X Town of F City in Zhejiang Province as an example, this paper analyzes the main problems and causes of financial agri-related projects and fund management in X Town through an empirical study on the scientific management of financial agri-related projects and funds in a typical township. Policies and suggestions are put forward to improve the comprehensive management mechanism of financial and agriculture-related resources, to strengthen the procedural management of agriculture-related projects, to plan the development of towns and villages, to lead the allocation of agriculture-related resources, and to strengthen the construction of management teams of agriculture-related projects and funds. To serve as a model and inspiration to other similar regions.
【作者單位】: 寧波市社會科學院;


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