

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-21 16:21

  本文選題:施工企業(yè) + 橋梁項(xiàng)目; 參考:《財(cái)會月刊》2017年22期

[Abstract]:The bridge construction market is fully opened, the bidding is becoming more and more intense, the profit of the construction enterprise is further compressed, and the cost control becomes the key to the profit of the bridge project construction enterprise. A certain construction enterprise adopts activity-based costing method to innovate the cost control of bridge project, optimize the operation chain of bridge construction, determine the labor cost operation center, equipment operation center, material operation center, management operation center, According to the cost control and cost analysis of the operation center, the five operation centers of the fund operation center can reasonably select the resource driver and the operation driver, and obtain the operation optimization to bring the construction period ahead of schedule, and the cost control is more accurate. From the back to the management to the front management and other obvious results.
【作者單位】: 華中師范大學(xué)經(jīng)濟(jì)與工商管理學(xué)院;中交第二航務(wù)工程局有限公司;


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