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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-13 03:02

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:論城鎮(zhèn)化快速發(fā)展背景下我國(guó)勞動(dòng)糾紛解決機(jī)制的完善 出處:《西南交通大學(xué)》2016年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 勞動(dòng)糾紛解決機(jī)制 城鎮(zhèn)化階段 制度性缺陷 改革措施

[Abstract]:With the rapid development of urbanization in recent years, a large number of farmers to cities and towns, to the industrial, service employment, labor relations, the number of established increased, the contradictions between the main interests followed. It is necessary to accompany a large number of labor disputes. If the labor disputes can not be resolved in a timely and effective manner, it will seriously affect the stability of the whole society. Therefore, in view of the specific problems of labor disputes in practice. The establishment of a corresponding labor dispute resolution mechanism is the basic institutional guarantee to promote the healthy development of urbanization. In order to solve the increasing number of labor disputes, China has promulgated a number of laws and regulations to regulate them. Gradually set up a relatively perfect labor dispute resolution mechanism. However, in view of the current practice, the existing labor dispute resolution mechanism still has a lot of defects and deficiencies. Can not effectively resolve the acceleration of urbanization brought about by more complex labor contradictions. To build a more perfect labor dispute resolution mechanism to promote the healthy and rapid development of urbanization has become an urgent matter. The first part is the influence of the rapid development of urbanization on the labor dispute resolution mechanism in China. This part first introduces the cities and towns. Turn the relevant theory. And demonstrated that our country is now in the rapid development stage of urbanization. Under the background of rapid development of urbanization. By analyzing and summarizing the characteristics of labor disputes, the author puts forward some requirements for the mechanism of labor dispute resolution. The second part is about the inadaptability of the current labor dispute settlement mechanism to the background of urbanization. The current labor dispute settlement mechanism in China. Litigation settlement mechanism, non-litigation and litigation link settlement mechanism to make a general introduction. At the same time, this paper analyzes the performance of these processing mechanisms in the process of not adapting to urbanization. The concrete performance of not adapting to urbanization mainly includes: the absence of consultation mechanism, the failure of mediation mechanism, and the weakness of arbitration mechanism. Litigation mechanism is weak, non-litigation and litigation link is not smooth, labor dispute resolution mechanism of these deficiencies, can not meet the rights and interests of the parties relief needs. And restricted the further development of urbanization. The third part is the evolution and inspiration of foreign labor dispute resolution mechanism. The evolution of labor dispute resolution mechanism in the process of urbanization in France is analyzed in detail. This part summarizes the advanced experience that can be used for reference in the improvement of labor dispute resolution mechanism in our country. Part 4th is the suggestion to perfect the labor dispute resolution mechanism of our country to adapt to the development of urbanization. The relationship between field justice and efficiency. Under the guidance of justice and efficiency, the rules of labor dispute settlement in China should be designed in order to adapt to the rapid development of urbanization.


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