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  本文關(guān)鍵詞:我國勞動爭議仲裁制度的完善研究 出處:《曲阜師范大學(xué)》2012年碩士論文 論文類型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 勞動爭議 勞動仲裁制度 缺陷 完善 勞動法

【摘要】:目前,勞動爭議仲裁是勞動爭議當(dāng)事人向人民法院提起訴訟的必經(jīng)程序,也是勞動爭議當(dāng)事人最常用的救濟(jì)途徑。之所以最常用,是因為勞動爭議仲裁有著迅速、高效、低成本的特點,能最為有效的保護(hù)勞動者的合法權(quán)利。但是近年來隨著社會主義市場經(jīng)濟(jì)的逐步發(fā)展、經(jīng)濟(jì)體制的不斷深化,人們的法制觀念也在加強(qiáng)。突出表現(xiàn)為勞動爭議數(shù)量逐漸增多,勞動者與用人單位的利益沖突不斷升級,矛盾更加激化。各種群體性上訪,甚至暴力威脅追討勞動報酬的惡性事件不斷發(fā)生,勞動關(guān)系呈現(xiàn)出了多樣化和復(fù)雜化的特點,勞動爭議糾紛的化解已成為全社會關(guān)注的焦點問題。面對這諸多新情況、新問題,作為協(xié)調(diào)勞動關(guān)系主要方式的我國的勞動爭議處理體制也暴露出了自身的缺陷與不足,立法滯后、監(jiān)管缺失、裁審機(jī)構(gòu)適用法律不統(tǒng)一、體制和程序的不完善等缺陷,使得勞動仲裁的優(yōu)勢不再明顯,甚至在某些方面變成了一種負(fù)擔(dān)。 勞動爭議仲裁制度,該如何發(fā)展與完善,這是擺在我們面前迫在眉睫的課題。以往學(xué)者多花精力研究勞動爭議仲裁機(jī)制的重構(gòu),把這種歷經(jīng)考驗的制度全盤推翻。他們往往認(rèn)為勞動爭議前置程序?qū)е抡姓䴔?quán)力過度干預(yù)辦案,使得仲裁制度弱化,建議取消仲裁前置或在法院設(shè)立勞動仲裁庭。而我們認(rèn)為,任何一種制度都不可能盡善盡美,本文的目的是基于現(xiàn)有制度的前提下,怎么讓勞動爭議處理制度更加適合我國的現(xiàn)實國情,怎么樣實現(xiàn)勞動爭議處理制度中各環(huán)節(jié)的協(xié)調(diào)連貫,通過比較分析和實證分析的方法,結(jié)合自身工作中的實際體會,把勞動爭議處理制度中的問題找出來、解決掉,使之更能適應(yīng)中國的現(xiàn)實國情,進(jìn)而對我國勞動爭議仲裁制度的完善提出合理化建議。
[Abstract]:At present, the labor dispute arbitration is a necessary procedure of the parties in the labor dispute to the people's court proceedings, the parties in the labor dispute is the most commonly used way of relief. The most commonly used, because the labor dispute arbitration has a rapid, efficient, low cost, can be the most effective protection of laborers' legal rights. But in recent years with the the development of the socialist market economy, the deepening of the economic system, the legal concept of people is also strengthened. Especially the number of labor disputes is gradually increased, the employee and the employer does not conflict escalating, more intensified conflicts. Various groups of petitions, and even the threat of violence incidents continue to occur for labor remuneration, labor the relationship between the characteristics of diversity and complexity, to resolve labor disputes has become the focus of the whole society. Facing the new situation of many Situation, new problems, as the main way to coordinate labor relations in China's labor dispute processing system also exposed the defects and deficiencies, legislative lag, lack of supervision, the applicable law of arbitration and trial institutions are not unified, and the program system imperfect, the labor arbitration advantage is no longer obvious, even in some aspects become a burden.
The labor dispute arbitration system, how to develop and perfect, and this is an imminent problem in front of us. The reconstruction of the past scholars spend more effort on the labor dispute arbitration mechanism, the tested system completely overturned. They tend to believe that the labor dispute procedure lead to excessive government intervention in handling administrative power, making the arbitration system weakening, suggestions cancellation of arbitration or the establishment of labor arbitration tribunal in the court. And we believe that any system can not be perfect, the purpose of this paper is based on the premise of the existing system, how to make the labor dispute handling system is more suitable for the actual situation of our country, how to achieve the coordination of various aspects of the labor dispute settlement system coherence method through the comparative analysis and empirical analysis, combined with practical experience in their own work, the labor dispute settlement system to solve the problem and find out. To get rid of it, make it more suitable for China's actual conditions, and then put forward some rationalization proposals for the perfection of China's labor dispute arbitration system.



相關(guān)期刊論文 前8條

1 徐智華;勞動爭議仲裁制度的缺陷與完善[J];法學(xué)評論;2003年06期

2 張冬梅;;勞動爭議處理體制的比較研究——兼談《勞動爭議調(diào)解仲裁法》的不足和完善[J];中國勞動關(guān)系學(xué)院學(xué)報;2008年03期

3 張冬梅;;勞動爭議仲裁時效制度的突破及其局限[J];中國勞動關(guān)系學(xué)院學(xué)報;2009年02期

4 張永兵;;我國部分勞動爭議一裁終局制度研究[J];湖北行政學(xué)院學(xué)報;2008年05期

5 趙峰;;勞動爭議案件程序之缺陷及制度重構(gòu)——兼評《勞動爭議調(diào)解仲裁法》[J];科技信息(科學(xué)教研);2008年13期

6 歐陽瓊;;美國勞動爭議處理制度[J];中國勞動;2006年06期

7 王國社;;從仲裁實踐談《勞動爭議調(diào)解仲裁法》的完善[J];中國勞動;2009年04期

8 王國社;內(nèi)地與香港勞動爭議仲裁制度比較研究[J];現(xiàn)代法學(xué);2004年03期

相關(guān)碩士學(xué)位論文 前4條

1 周中瑞;我國現(xiàn)行勞動爭議仲裁的不足及其完善[D];江西師范大學(xué);2010年

2 惠微;勞動爭議處理體制改革探索[D];西北大學(xué);2011年

3 李迎穎;我國勞動仲裁與訴訟關(guān)系問題研究[D];河南大學(xué);2011年

4 宋登科;試論我國勞動仲裁制度的內(nèi)在缺陷與完善[D];華東政法大學(xué);2007年





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