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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-01-11 19:44

  本文關(guān)鍵詞:論乙肝病毒攜帶者平等就業(yè)權(quán)的法律保障 出處:《中南大學(xué)》2011年碩士論文 論文類(lèi)型:學(xué)位論文

  更多相關(guān)文章: 乙肝病毒攜帶者 平等就業(yè)權(quán) 法律保障

[Abstract]:Hepatitis B virus carrier refers to the person who carries hepatitis B virus in the body. At present, the public have misunderstanding and prejudice to the hepatitis B virus carrier, which makes them encounter a lot of obstacles in work, study and marriage. You can't live like a normal person. HBV carriers can do any work other than the special occupations prescribed by laws and regulations. In the law should enjoy equal employment rights. Due to the loopholes in the relevant laws and regulations and ineffective implementation of hepatitis B virus carriers of equal employment rights can not be fully realized. Hepatitis B employment discrimination cases. The extent to which HBV carriers enjoy equal employment rights. The balance between the right to know and the right to privacy of HBV carriers is a controversial issue in theory and practice. Based on the analysis of disputes and different opinions, the following conclusions are drawn: the case of employment discrimination of hepatitis B can be defined as the dispute of general personality right; The unit of choose and employ persons should exercise the right to know within the limits of the law, and exceeding the legal limit infringes the right of privacy of the laborer. The employer's behavior of refusing to record after knowing that the laborer is carrying hepatitis B virus infringes on the equal employment right of the laborer; The occupation which the law limits the hepatitis B virus carrier to engage in should be the occupation which causes the hepatitis B virus to spread easily and the hepatitis B virus carrier physical strength is not competent occupation, other occupation should not carry on the restriction to the hepatitis B virus carrier; Compared with the foreign measures to protect the equal employment rights of HBV carriers, there are still a lot of deficiencies in our country, it is necessary to improve the legal protection; To protect the equal employment rights of HBV carriers, we must perfect the relevant laws and regulations, perfect the judicial relief, and clarify the responsibility and administrative punishment measures of the administrative departments.


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4 蔣家杰;;“乙肝排斥”現(xiàn)象背后的政府責(zé)任[J];法制與社會(huì);2007年07期

5 韋yN;;淺談乙肝病毒攜帶者的權(quán)益保護(hù)[J];法制與社會(huì);2007年09期

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10 俞里江;;勞動(dòng)者在乙肝歧視案中的利益保護(hù)[J];人民司法;2008年24期

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