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發(fā)布時間:2018-07-10 14:56

  本文選題:民間借貸 + 虛假訴訟 ; 參考:《沈陽師范大學》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:隨著經(jīng)濟發(fā)展和社會進步,民間借貸虛假訴訟案件頻頻發(fā)生,已經(jīng)成為虛假訴訟案件中最普遍和危害最嚴重的類型之一。它具有虛假訴訟的一般特征,即主體的復(fù)雜性、行為的隱蔽性、非法目的性,被侵犯客體的復(fù)合性。另外它還在司法實踐中顯露了以下幾個其獨有的特點:第一,行為主體間存在非常微妙的關(guān)系;第二,行為隱蔽性較強,一般難以發(fā)現(xiàn);第三,權(quán)利義務(wù)關(guān)系清晰、證據(jù)簡明單一;第四;行為人之間容易配合、操作簡單且成功率很高。根據(jù)民間借貸虛假訴訟顯示的本質(zhì)屬性,概括它的認定標準,確立有效地識別機制,準確運用現(xiàn)有的法律制度對此種行為加以懲治和防范是目前司法實踐對此類案件的工作重心和難點所在。 本文主要通過結(jié)合真實案例,從構(gòu)成要件、行為特征兩方面來分析民間借貸虛假訴訟的認定,,以及司法機關(guān)如何依照現(xiàn)有民事、刑事法律法規(guī)來處理此類問題。本文主要運用價值分析和實證分析的研究方法,通過收集整理相關(guān)文獻資料、總結(jié)歸納現(xiàn)有觀點、針對現(xiàn)有的研究成果與相對不足之處,結(jié)合真實案例利用現(xiàn)有法律規(guī)范進行全面地分析。最后提出本文的結(jié)論,即民間借貸虛假訴訟案件可以利用現(xiàn)有民事、刑事法律規(guī)范進行規(guī)制,此外還應(yīng)當建立和完善侵權(quán)賠償制度與虛假訴訟歸罪機制。 本文結(jié)合案件分析得出關(guān)于民間借貸虛假訴訟問題的如下結(jié)論:民間借貸虛假訴訟構(gòu)成要件由主觀目的為非法獲利、客觀行為是虛假起訴、行為手段是捏造事實和證據(jù)、被侵犯客體的雙重性;行為特征由主體關(guān)系特殊、行為隱蔽性強、審判權(quán)被利用、訴訟過程異常四方面構(gòu)成。此類案件如未涉及犯罪則可以依據(jù)現(xiàn)有的民事法律規(guī)范對行為人進行罰款、拘留必要時應(yīng)建立侵權(quán)賠償制度;如果行為人在虛假訴訟的同時還滿足犯罪的構(gòu)成要件則應(yīng)當根據(jù)其行為來判定具體適用何種罪名。行為人的行為如無法用刑法罪名進行相應(yīng)地處罰則應(yīng)該增設(shè)虛假訴訟罪以完善對此類問題的刑事追究制度。
[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the progress of society, the false litigation cases of folk loans and loans occur frequently, which has become one of the most common and serious types of false litigation cases. It has the general characteristics of false litigation, that is, the complexity of the subject, the concealment of the behavior, the illegal purpose, and the complexity of the violated object. In addition, it also reveals the following unique characteristics in judicial practice: first, there is a very delicate relationship between the subject of the act; second, the behavior is more hidden, generally difficult to find; third, the relationship between rights and obligations is clear. The evidence is simple and simple; fourth, it is easy to cooperate with each other, and the operation is simple and the success rate is very high. According to the essential attribute of the false litigation of folk loan and loan, this paper summarizes its identification standard, and establishes an effective identification mechanism. It is the focus and difficulty of judicial practice to use the existing legal system to punish and prevent this kind of cases. This article mainly through the combination of real cases, from the elements, behavior characteristics to analyze the identification of civil lending false litigation, and how the judiciary according to the existing civil, criminal laws and regulations to deal with this kind of issues. This paper mainly uses the research methods of value analysis and empirical analysis, through collecting and sorting out the relevant literature, summarizing and summarizing the existing viewpoints, aiming at the existing research results and relative shortcomings. Combined with real cases, the existing legal norms are comprehensively analyzed. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is put forward, that is, the civil and criminal legal norms can be used to regulate the false litigation cases of folk lending, in addition, we should establish and perfect the tort compensation system and the imputation mechanism of false litigation. Based on the case analysis, this paper draws the following conclusions: the constituent elements of the civil loan false litigation are illegally profited by subjective purpose, the objective behavior is false prosecution, and the behavior means is to fabricate facts and evidence. The duality of the violated object is composed of four aspects: the special relationship between the subject, the strong concealment of the behavior, the utilization of the judicial power and the abnormal litigation process. If such cases do not involve a crime, the perpetrator may be fined in accordance with existing civil legal norms, and a system of tort compensation should be established if necessary in detention; If the perpetrator satisfies the constitutive elements of the crime at the same time of false litigation, he should judge which crime is applicable according to his behavior. If the behavior of the actor can not be punished by the criminal law, the crime of false litigation should be added to perfect the criminal investigation system of this kind of problem.


相關(guān)期刊論文 前10條

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