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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-30 10:19

  本文選題:理財產(chǎn)品 + 法律性質(zhì); 參考:《中國社會科學(xué)院研究生院》2013年碩士論文

【摘要】:近年來,隨著我國居民收入的不斷提高,對于資金保值增值的迫切需要催生出巨大的市場需求,,這一需求帶動了我國商業(yè)銀行理財產(chǎn)品的誕生和發(fā)展。但隨著商業(yè)銀行理財產(chǎn)品的進一步發(fā)展,由此帶來的各種問題也接踵而至并呈增多之勢影響著金融市場的穩(wěn)定和進一步發(fā)展。問題之一表現(xiàn)在法律性質(zhì)認定模糊,學(xué)界和實踐中無統(tǒng)一認定標準,分歧較大,這導(dǎo)致圍繞銀行理財產(chǎn)品出現(xiàn)的糾紛問題無法得到妥善解決,并且因為缺乏對法律性質(zhì)認定的法律依據(jù),各地司法實踐中處理結(jié)果不一,影響了司法秩序,不利于保護當事人利益,也不利于金融市場的穩(wěn)定發(fā)展。對此,應(yīng)當明確分歧爭議所在,統(tǒng)一認定標準,參照國外有關(guān)經(jīng)驗,完善立法,確保在處理因商業(yè)銀行理財產(chǎn)品而起的法律糾紛時有法可依。問題之二在于監(jiān)管措施滯后,存在較多漏洞,不能保證銀行理財產(chǎn)品市場安全穩(wěn)定運行。首先,當前各金融領(lǐng)域發(fā)生混業(yè)經(jīng)營的現(xiàn)象層出不窮,而面對混業(yè)經(jīng)營,我國現(xiàn)行的分業(yè)監(jiān)管機制,只針對不同金融機構(gòu)加以不同標準的監(jiān)管,但對于金融機構(gòu)從事的具體金融業(yè)務(wù)卻無太多約束,這就導(dǎo)致了監(jiān)管機構(gòu)面臨監(jiān)管難題,例如銀監(jiān)會面對銀行從事證券信托類業(yè)務(wù)時并無對應(yīng)的監(jiān)管標準,且因其業(yè)務(wù)屬于證券監(jiān)管范疇,銀監(jiān)會也不宜采用證券類監(jiān)管標準,這就使得商業(yè)銀行發(fā)行的信托類理財產(chǎn)品面臨監(jiān)管真空,形成了金融市場潛在的風(fēng)險;其次,現(xiàn)有監(jiān)管措施和法律責任的規(guī)定有待進一步細化和落實,如風(fēng)險揭示問題、宣傳和銷售環(huán)節(jié)的問題、理財資金投向不清晰、客戶知情權(quán)缺乏保護、資金池運作方式聚集風(fēng)險、高息攬儲問題以及市場準入問題等,雖然銀監(jiān)會就上述問題都有相關(guān)規(guī)定,但或者規(guī)定不夠具體,或者在實踐中缺乏監(jiān)督和懲罰機制使得規(guī)定落實效果不佳。對此應(yīng)協(xié)調(diào)機構(gòu)監(jiān)管模式與功能監(jiān)管模式,有效解決當前混業(yè)經(jīng)營局面的監(jiān)管問題,同時應(yīng)完善、細化監(jiān)管法規(guī),彌補監(jiān)管真空,并且制定切實有效的監(jiān)督機制與懲罰機制確保監(jiān)管措施的真正落實。 文章主體分為三大部分。其中第一部分為概述,主要介紹了銀行理財產(chǎn)品的概念、類型和當前發(fā)行情況;第二部分則主要闡述了商業(yè)銀行理財產(chǎn)品法律性質(zhì)的界定,通過介紹學(xué)界和實踐中對于法律性質(zhì)界定的模糊現(xiàn)狀,提出自己的觀點;第三部分是商業(yè)銀行理財產(chǎn)品的監(jiān)管現(xiàn)狀和監(jiān)管路徑,分析了當前我國針對商業(yè)銀行理財產(chǎn)品的監(jiān)管中存在的問題,提出了改進監(jiān)管措施的方法和建議。
[Abstract]:In recent years, with the continuous improvement of the income of Chinese residents, the urgent need to maintain and increase the value of funds has given rise to a huge market demand, which has led to the birth and development of financial products of commercial banks in China. However, with the further development of the financial products of commercial banks, the various problems brought by them are also coming and increasing, which affects the stability and further development of the financial market. One of the problems is that the nature of the law is vague, there is no unified standard of recognition in academic circles and practice, and there is a great difference, which leads to the problem that the disputes around banking financial products can not be properly resolved. And because of the lack of legal basis for the legal nature of the law, the results of judicial practice are different, which affects the judicial order, is not conducive to the protection of the interests of the parties, and is not conducive to the stable development of the financial market. In view of this, we should make clear the differences and disputes, unify the standard of confirmation, refer to the relevant experience of foreign countries, perfect the legislation, and ensure that there are laws to be followed when dealing with the legal disputes arising from the financial products of commercial banks. The second problem lies in the lag of regulatory measures and the existence of many loopholes, which can not guarantee the safe and stable operation of the banking financial products market. First of all, the phenomenon of mixed operation in various financial fields emerges in endlessly. In the face of mixed operation, the current separate supervision mechanism of our country only aims at different financial institutions with different standards of supervision. However, there are not too many restrictions on the specific financial business that financial institutions engage in, which leads to regulatory difficulties faced by regulators. For example, the CBRC does not have corresponding regulatory standards when banks engage in securities trust business. And because its business belongs to the scope of securities supervision, the CBRC should not adopt the standard of securities supervision, which makes the trust financial products issued by commercial banks face a regulatory vacuum, which forms the potential risks in the financial market. The existing regulatory measures and legal liability provisions need to be further refined and implemented, such as risk disclosure problems, publicity and sales links, financial capital investment is not clear, lack of protection of the customer's right to know, the way the fund pool operation risks, Although the CBRC has relevant regulations on these issues, the regulations are not specific enough, or lack of supervision and punishment mechanism in practice, which makes the implementation of the regulations ineffective. In order to solve the problem effectively, we should perfect and refine the regulations, make up the vacuum of supervision, and coordinate the supervision mode of the organization and the function supervision mode, and solve the problem of supervision in the current situation of mixed business operation effectively, at the same time, And establish effective supervision mechanism and punishment mechanism to ensure the real implementation of regulatory measures. The main body of the article is divided into three parts. The first part is an overview, mainly introduces the concept, the type and the current issue situation of the bank financial management product, the second part mainly elaborated the commercial bank financial management product legal nature definition, the second part mainly elaborated the commercial bank financial management product legal nature definition, By introducing the fuzzy status quo of the definition of the legal nature in the academic and practical fields, the author puts forward his own viewpoint. The third part is the supervision status quo and the regulatory path of the financial products of commercial banks. This paper analyzes on the problems existing in the supervision of the financial products of commercial banks in our country, and puts forward the methods and suggestions for improving the supervision measures.


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1 楊越;證券投資基金法律監(jiān)管研究[D];中國政法大學(xué);2004年




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