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發(fā)布時間:2019-04-03 15:08
【摘要】:金融市場的發(fā)展趨勢日益全球化,對沖基金的規(guī)模也隨之不斷的拓展,投資的范圍和對象也逐漸多樣化、跨國化,也逐漸向人們揭開了他的神秘面紗。由于國際范圍的對沖基金是歷史上的幾次金融危機的罪魁禍首,世界上很多經(jīng)濟發(fā)達的國家都進行了相應立法。對于我國而言,經(jīng)濟宏觀調(diào)控的力度較大,并沒有正式立法引進對沖基金,但是國際范圍的對沖基金公司已經(jīng)看好了并初步試水中國市場,立法監(jiān)管已經(jīng)勢在必行。 本文通過對對沖基金的基本概念、分類、發(fā)展歷史以及其操作的基本方法規(guī)則進行介紹,從法律角度分析跨國對沖基金的法律關系,羅列了一些典型國家、地區(qū)和國際組織的相應立法作為指導。知己知彼,做好迎接對沖基金進入我國的準備,希望可以為我國將來對沖基金的引進提供立法依據(jù),力求對對沖基金的全方位監(jiān)管。
[Abstract]:With the increasing globalization of the financial market, the scale of hedge fund is expanding, the scope and object of investment are gradually diversified, transnational, and gradually unveil his mystery to people. Since international hedge funds are the main culprits of several financial crises in history, many economically developed countries in the world have enacted corresponding legislation. As far as China is concerned, the macro-control of economy is strong, and there is no formal legislation to introduce hedge funds. However, the international hedge fund companies have been optimistic about and initially tested in China market, and legislative supervision is imperative. By introducing the basic concept, classification, development history and basic rules of operation of hedge funds, this paper analyzes the legal relationship of transnational hedge funds from the legal point of view, and lists some typical countries. The corresponding legislation of regional and international organizations shall serve as guidance. It is hoped that we can provide the legislative basis for the introduction of hedge funds in China in the future, and strive to supervise hedge funds in all directions.


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