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  本文選題:已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決承認與執(zhí)行 + 《紐約公約》第五條第七條; 參考:《復旦大學》2012年碩士論文

【摘要】:當一項商事仲裁裁決被做出地國法院撤銷后,其效力就不存在了,在裁決做出地國和其他國家均得不到承認與執(zhí)行。然而,隨著全球經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易的發(fā)展,舊的國際商事仲裁體系已不能完全滿足新時代的需要,一些國家已經(jīng)開始挑戰(zhàn)傳統(tǒng)的觀點和實踐,并在一些仲裁案件中做出了與傳統(tǒng)理論相悖的裁決。比如法國,其國內(nèi)法院在一系列的案件中,均承認與執(zhí)行了已被外國法院撤銷的仲裁裁決;在著名的Chromalloy案中,美國法院也執(zhí)行了已被埃及法院撤銷的仲裁裁決。這些司法實踐,在國際商事仲裁的理論和實踐領域都引起了激烈的爭論。本文從爭論的起因——對《紐約公約》相關條款的理解不同以及相關理論的發(fā)展兩方面入手,對該問題進行探討,并在此基礎上,對進一步完善我國已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決的承認與執(zhí)行問題的相關制度提出建議。 依照傳統(tǒng)的仲裁屬地主義觀點,仲裁裁決依附于特定國家的內(nèi)國法;當裁決在該國被撤銷后,該仲裁裁決即喪失法律效力,在仲裁地國及任何其他國家均得不到承認和執(zhí)行。然而,由于1958年《關于承認和執(zhí)行外國仲裁裁決的公約》(以下簡稱“紐約公約”)在具體措辭和條文規(guī)定上仍有不明確之處,加上受到新興理論仲裁“非本地化”等的影響,法國、盧森堡、奧地利、美國等一些國家都有了承認和執(zhí)行已撤銷的外國商事仲裁裁決的司法實踐。這些實踐中尤以Hilmarton和Chromalloy案為代表,反映了不同國家對《紐約公約》相關條款的不同解讀,亦在國際理論界和實務屆引起了激烈的爭論。爭論主要圍繞著“已撤銷裁決的可執(zhí)行性”問題展開,具體涉及到對執(zhí)行已撤銷裁決的理論依據(jù)之爭、《紐約公約》的適用和解釋之爭、撤銷制度存廢之爭等等。 本文擬在《紐約公約》有關規(guī)定的法律框架下,對已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決的承認與執(zhí)行問題的含義、各國實踐以及理論基礎進行探討,結(jié)合我國目前對該問題的立法規(guī)定和實踐現(xiàn)狀,對我國的已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決的承認與執(zhí)行制度提出進一步完善的建議。全文共分為五章: 第一章首先在明確適用《紐約公約》的外國商事仲裁裁決的概念及范疇的基礎上,對商事仲裁裁決的撤銷及不予執(zhí)行制度的概念和價值進行介紹,并結(jié)合《紐約公約》第五條規(guī)定對該兩種司法監(jiān)督制度的特殊關系進行分析。 第二章對《紐約公約》中導致已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決的可執(zhí)行性存在爭議的主要條款——第五條、第七條進行解釋和分析,以明確公約的真正含義。 第三章介紹了主要《紐約公約》締約國對已撤銷外國商事裁決的承認與執(zhí)行問題的國內(nèi)立法及司法實踐,并分析這些國家對于《紐約公約》的前述條款的理解并評析國際上對于該問題的實踐趨勢。 第四章對已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決的承認與執(zhí)行的理論依據(jù)進行深入分析,包括商事仲裁裁決的效力來源的影響,“非本地化”理論的影響以及優(yōu)先/次要管轄權(quán)理論的影響三個方面,并在此基礎上對已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決的承認與執(zhí)行的利弊進行分析,進而探析是否存在克服承認與執(zhí)行已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決之弊端的方法。 第五章將首先介紹我國學界對于已撤銷外國商事仲裁裁決的執(zhí)行問題的主要觀點以及我國對該問題的規(guī)定和立場,并在此基礎上結(jié)合第一章對公約條款的解讀,第三章歸納出的目前的外國商事仲裁的司法實踐趨勢以及第四章對該制度的利弊分析,總結(jié)我國目前該制度規(guī)定上還可以改進的地方,并對完善我國的相關規(guī)定及指導我國日后可能出現(xiàn)的司法實踐提出建議。
[Abstract]:However , with the development of global economic and trade , the old international commercial arbitration system cannot fully meet the needs of the new era . However , with the development of global economic and trade , the old international commercial arbitration system has begun to challenge the traditional view and practice , and in some arbitration cases , it has made a decision contrary to the traditional theory .
In the famous Chromalloy case , the American court has also executed the arbitration award which has been revoked by the Egyptian court . These judicial practices have caused a heated debate in the theory and practice of international commercial arbitration . This paper discusses the problem from the understanding of the relevant articles of the New York Convention and the development of the relevant theories . On the basis of this , some suggestions are put forward to further improve the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award of foreign commercial arbitration .

The arbitration award is attached to the internal national law of a specific country in accordance with the traditional view of arbitration .
After the award has been revoked in the country , the arbitral award , which is not recognized and enforced in both the forum State and any other country , has been recognized and enforced in some countries such as France , Luxembourg , Austria and the United States . However , in some countries , such as Hilmarton and Chromalloy , there is a heated debate in some countries such as France , Luxembourg , Austria , the United States , etc .

Under the legal framework of the relevant provisions of the New York Convention , this paper discusses the meaning , national practice and theoretical basis of the recognition and enforcement of the award of foreign commercial arbitration , and puts forward some suggestions for further improvement of the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award in China .

In the first chapter , the concept and value of the award of commercial arbitration and the concept and value of the non - enforcement system are introduced , and the special relationship between the two judicial supervision systems is analyzed in accordance with Article 5 of the New York Convention .

The second chapter explains and analyzes the main clauses _ 5 and 7 of the dispute concerning the enforceability of the arbitral award in the New York Convention , in order to clarify the real meaning of the Convention .

Chapter Three introduces the domestic legislation and judicial practice of the State party of the New York Convention on the recognition and enforcement of the revoked foreign commercial award , and analyses the international understanding of the foregoing provisions of the New York Convention and analyses the international practice trend of the issue .

The fourth chapter analyzes the theoretical basis of the recognition and enforcement of the award of foreign commercial arbitration , including the influence of the effective source of commercial arbitration award , the influence of " non - localization " theory and the influence of the preferential / secondary jurisdiction theory , and analyzes the pros and cons of the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral award of foreign commercial arbitration .

The fifth chapter introduces the main viewpoints of China ' s academic circles on the implementation of the arbitration award of foreign commercial arbitration and the rules and positions of our country on the subject . On the basis of this , the author summarizes the current trend of judicial practice of foreign commercial arbitration and the advantages and disadvantages of the fourth chapter , summarizes the current practice trend of foreign commercial arbitration and the advantages and disadvantages of this system , summarizes the relevant regulations of our country and puts forward some suggestions to improve our country ' s relevant regulations and guide our future judicial practice .



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