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發(fā)布時間:2018-04-27 07:21

  本文選題:保障措施 + 特保制度; 參考:《山東大學》2011年碩士論文

【摘要】:WTO允許成員方在進口不斷增加將導致國內(nèi)產(chǎn)業(yè)出現(xiàn)市場混亂時,可以實施一個保障行動以保護國內(nèi)特定的產(chǎn)業(yè),即保障措施,該措施被當作成員國開放市場的“安全閥”制度。各國有權依據(jù)其相關國內(nèi)法規(guī)則采取保障措施!吨腥A人民共和國加入WTO議定書》第16條規(guī)定:中國產(chǎn)品在出口有關WTO成員國時,如果數(shù)量增加幅度過大,以至于對這些成員的相關產(chǎn)業(yè)造成“嚴重損害”或構成“嚴重損害威脅”時,那么這些WTO成員方可單短針對中國產(chǎn)品采取保障措施。 特保措施作為貿(mào)易自由化的例外,同時也是各國保護國內(nèi)相關產(chǎn)業(yè),推行貿(mào)易保護主義的盾牌。我國出口產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)成本相對低廉,入世后出口產(chǎn)品又能較全面的享受多邊關稅減讓,因此許多西方國家針對中國往往采取保障措施調(diào)查或特保措施。近年來,美國、歐盟等我國主要出口市場還出現(xiàn)了這樣一種趨勢,即當找不到合適的理由實施貿(mào)易壁壘或“兩反”措施時,就會轉(zhuǎn)求助于特保條款,針對我國出口產(chǎn)品的特保案件數(shù)量也是持續(xù)攀升。 2008年由美國金融海嘯引起的全球金融危機使得新貿(mào)易保護主義之風又愈演愈烈之勢,我國作為對出口依賴性較大的發(fā)展中國家深受其害。2009年9月11日,美國總統(tǒng)奧巴馬宣布對從中國進口的所有小轎車和輕型卡車輪胎征收為期三年的懲罰性關稅,這是美國第一次運用“特保條款”對中國產(chǎn)品征收懲罰性關稅。此后,巴西、阿根廷、印度也開始對中國的汽車輪胎進了保障措施調(diào)查;而在美國國內(nèi),鋼鐵、服裝紡織品、鞋類等行業(yè)也躍躍欲試地開始收集材料,意圖對中國的相關產(chǎn)品發(fā)起調(diào)查。實踐清楚地表明,針對中國的特保措施已成為關系中國對外貿(mào)易發(fā)展的一個焦點問題。因此,對WTO特保措施制度進行分析研究有重要的理論意義和現(xiàn)實意義。在目前的國際形勢下,中國必須加強對保障措施規(guī)則的研究和運用,以防止和避免其他WTO成員通過濫用保障措施調(diào)查或特保措施,不合理地限制和剝奪中國按照WTO規(guī)則所應享有的合法權益,以此來保護本國的相關產(chǎn)業(yè)和企業(yè)的利益,這也是本文研究目的和意義之所在。 本文的總體研究過程和思路是,首先回顧了特別保障措施的歷史來源和演變,及特別保障措施最初適用。其次在分別闡述WTO一般保障措施和特別保障措施的基本內(nèi)容的基礎上,分析了特別保障措施與WTO一般保障措施的區(qū)別,進而詳細闡述了WTO框架下特保措施的適用及有關報復機制的規(guī)定。隨后著重分析了中國與WTO框架下的特保措施制度,尤其是美國對華特保措施有關規(guī)則與實施。再次,回顧了中美輪胎特保案的歷程,探討本案涉及的法律問題,并對此案作出了評析。最后一部分從中國政府和相關產(chǎn)業(yè)兩個角度提出了應對特保措施的建議。
[Abstract]:The WTO allows members to implement a safeguard action to protect specific domestic industries, that is, safeguard measures, when increasing imports will lead to market chaos in domestic industries, which is regarded as a "safety valve" system for member countries to open their markets. Article 16 of the Protocol on the accession of the people's Republic of China to the WTO provides that: when exporting Chinese products to the relevant WTO member States, the increase in quantity is excessive, If they cause "serious damage" or "serious damage threat" to the relevant industries of these members, then these WTO members can only take safeguard measures against Chinese products for a short time. As an exception to trade liberalization, special safeguard measures are also a shield for countries to protect domestic related industries and promote trade protectionism. The production cost of China's export products is relatively low, and after China's accession to the WTO, the export products can enjoy multilateral tariff concessions in an all-round way. Therefore, many western countries often take protective measures or special measures against China. In recent years, China's major export markets, such as the United States and the European Union, have also shown a tendency to turn to special protection clauses when there is no suitable reason to implement trade barriers or "two negative" measures. The number of special protection cases against China's export products is also rising. The global financial crisis caused by the US financial tsunami in 2008 has intensified the trend of new trade protectionism. China, as a developing country that relies heavily on exports, suffered greatly. September 11, 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama has announced a three-year punitive tariff on all cars and light truck tyres imported from China, the first time the United States has applied a "special safeguard clause" to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese products. Since then, Brazil, Argentina and India have also begun to investigate China's car tires into safeguards. In the United States, industries such as steel, clothing, textiles, footwear and other industries are eager to start collecting materials. With intent to initiate an investigation into China's related products. The practice clearly shows that the special safeguard measures against China have become a focal point in the development of China's foreign trade. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to analyze and study the WTO safeguard system. In the current international situation, China must strengthen the research and application of safeguards rules in order to prevent and prevent other WTO members from investigating or using special safeguard measures through abuse of safeguards. Unreasonable restriction and deprivation of China's legitimate rights and interests in accordance with the WTO rules to protect the interests of its related industries and enterprises is also the purpose and significance of this study. The overall research process and thought of this paper are: firstly, the historical origin and evolution of special safeguard measures and the initial application of special safeguard measures are reviewed. Secondly, on the basis of expounding the basic contents of WTO general safeguard measures and special safeguard measures, the difference between special safeguard measures and WTO general safeguard measures is analyzed. Furthermore, the application of special safeguard measures and the provisions of retaliation mechanism under WTO framework are expounded in detail. Then it analyzes the special safeguard measures system under the framework of China and WTO, especially the relevant rules and enforcement of American special safeguard measures. Thirdly, the paper reviews the history of the Sino-American tire protection case, discusses the legal issues involved in the case, and makes an assessment of the case. The last part puts forward some suggestions to deal with special protection measures from two angles of Chinese government and related industries.


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