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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-26 05:36

  本文選題:自然資源 + 出口限制措施; 參考:《遼寧大學(xué)》2012年碩士論文

【摘要】:自然資源是人社會(huì)賴以生存和發(fā)展的基礎(chǔ),當(dāng)今世界貿(mào)易中自然資源貿(mào)易構(gòu)成了國(guó)際貿(mào)易的重要組成部分。中國(guó)作為世界上最大的發(fā)展中國(guó)家,一直在快速發(fā)展的同時(shí),也向世界供應(yīng)著大量的稀有礦產(chǎn)資源。隨著這些自然資源的長(zhǎng)期開發(fā),其儲(chǔ)量迅速下降,由于開發(fā)造成的環(huán)境問(wèn)題也越來(lái)越受到中國(guó)的關(guān)注。目前中國(guó)開始采取措施逐步減少自然資源的開發(fā)利用,保護(hù)維持生態(tài)平衡。采取的諸多措施中包括對(duì)這些自然實(shí)行出口限制,以減少對(duì)資源的開發(fā)。然而作為WTO成員國(guó)的中國(guó),采取出口限制措施保護(hù)資源的做法,受到其他成員國(guó)的指責(zé)。如何在WTO框架下,合理的采取的出口限制措施,保護(hù)中國(guó)的自然資源,是擺在中國(guó)面前的一個(gè)重要的問(wèn)題。 本文由四個(gè)部分組成。第一部分主要關(guān)注世界資源貿(mào)易的現(xiàn)狀與存在的主要矛盾。包括自由貿(mào)易與國(guó)家對(duì)自然資源的主權(quán)之間的矛盾,以及可持續(xù)發(fā)展與自出貿(mào)易之間的矛盾。無(wú)論是GATT時(shí)期,還是WTO成立以來(lái)都不反對(duì)在自由貿(mào)易體制下保護(hù)自然資源。WTO成立以來(lái)更是強(qiáng)調(diào)可持續(xù)發(fā)展與自由貿(mào)易的協(xié)調(diào)。中國(guó)作為一個(gè)主權(quán)國(guó)家有權(quán)利制定自己的資源環(huán)境與貿(mào)易政策。第二部分從當(dāng)前WTO規(guī)則及各成員國(guó)采取的主要出口限制措施入手,介紹幾種主要可采取的保護(hù)資源的出口限制措施及WTO對(duì)這些出口限制措施的態(tài)度。第三部分,從WTO例外條款—GATT第20條的適用角度,分析了采用出口限制措施保護(hù)自然資源的條件和要求。通過(guò)前三部分的論述可以發(fā)現(xiàn),在WTO框架下原則上反對(duì)出口限制措施,但有條件的允許采用出口限制措施保護(hù)資源。第四部分,從中國(guó)的國(guó)情出發(fā),總結(jié)了近期因采取資源出口限制措施而遭遇的幾起貿(mào)易爭(zhēng)端。從這幾起貿(mào)易爭(zhēng)端出發(fā),對(duì)中國(guó)采取出口限制措施保護(hù)資源過(guò)程中存在的問(wèn)題進(jìn)行了歸納。并針對(duì)存在的問(wèn)題,提出對(duì)策。以期在日后采取措施保護(hù)資源的過(guò)程中,采取合理的出口限制措施減少貿(mào)易爭(zhēng)端的出現(xiàn),維護(hù)中國(guó)的國(guó)家利益。
[Abstract]:Natural resources are the basis of human society's survival and development. Nowadays, natural resources trade constitutes an important part of international trade in the world trade. As the largest developing country in the world, China has been developing rapidly and supplying a lot of rare mineral resources to the world. With the long-term exploitation of these natural resources, the reserves of these natural resources decline rapidly, and the environmental problems caused by the exploitation are paid more and more attention by China. At present, China has begun to take measures to gradually reduce the exploitation and utilization of natural resources and to protect and maintain ecological balance. Among the measures taken are export restrictions on these nature to reduce the exploitation of resources. However, China, a member of the WTO, has been criticised by other countries for taking export restrictions to protect its resources. How to take reasonable export restriction measures and protect China's natural resources under the framework of WTO is an important problem in front of China. This paper consists of four parts. The first part mainly pays attention to the present situation and the main contradiction of the world resource trade. This includes the contradiction between free trade and state sovereignty over natural resources, and between sustainable development and self-trade. No matter in the period of GATT or since the establishment of WTO, there is no objection to the protection of natural resources under the free trade system. Since the establishment of WTO, the coordination between sustainable development and free trade has been emphasized. As a sovereign state, China has the right to formulate its own resource environment and trade policy. The second part begins with the current WTO rules and the main export restriction measures adopted by each member country, and introduces several kinds of export restriction measures which can be taken to protect resources and the attitude of WTO to these export restriction measures. The third part analyzes the conditions and requirements of using export restriction measures to protect natural resources from the perspective of the application of the WTO exception clause-Article 20 of GATT. Through the discussion of the first three parts, it can be found that under the framework of WTO, export restriction measures are opposed in principle, but conditional export restriction measures are allowed to protect resources. The fourth part summarizes several trade disputes caused by resource export restriction measures from the point of view of China's national conditions. Starting from these trade disputes, this paper sums up the problems existing in the process of China taking export restriction measures to protect resources. According to the existing problems, the countermeasures are put forward. In the process of taking measures to protect resources in the future, reasonable export restriction measures should be taken to reduce the appearance of trade disputes and to safeguard China's national interests.


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