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發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-04-25 21:12

  本文選題:產(chǎn)品缺陷 + 歸責(zé)原則; 參考:《大連海事大學(xué)》2013年博士論文

[Abstract]:The concept of product in tort liability of defective products should include not only the movable property which has been processed and manufactured for the purpose of sale but also the unprocessed primary agricultural product and immovable property. Not only material products, but also spiritual products; not only tangible products, but also intangible products. Product defects focus on product safety, while product defects focus on product applicability. For consumers, the applicability of product quality affects the quality of life, but the safety of product quality is related to the survival itself, and the safety is obviously greater than that of applicability. The types of product defects include, in addition to traditional manufacturing defects, design defects and warning note defects, tracking and observation defects. Therefore, it is helpful to urge producers and sellers to keep track of the products they put into the market according to the latest scientific and technological achievements, so as to ensure the safety of the products to the maximum extent, especially for the development risks. Regarding the imputation principle of defective product infringement, we should construct and explain the product liability imputation in China based on the hazard imputation theory, and apply the strict liability principle to both producers and sellers. At the same time, the meaning of producer and seller should be expanded. A producer includes not only any person who embodies his name, name, trademark or other identifiable mark on the product, but also an "importer" for the purpose of selling, leasing, transferring and other business purposes. It includes not only the producers of finished products, but also the producers of components and raw materials. In addition to the traditional business as the purpose of the sale of products through the simple transfer of ownership, but also including rental, financial leasing, barter and retention-of-title means of product sellers. It includes wholesalers of products, retailers of products, and people who otherwise sell products to consumers. The function of modern tort law is not only to fill the actual damage, but also to prevent and punish the illegal act. The system of punitive damages breaks through the general principles of the traditional system of civil damages and has a function that the traditional system of civil damages does not. Punitive damages system introduces tort law, especially product liability, there are no logical obstacles. On the contrary, the introduction of punitive damages system can maximize the value of justice and efficiency of tort law.


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