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發(fā)布時間:2018-06-17 11:35

  本文選題:心理應(yīng)激 + 大鼠模型; 參考:《中國中醫(yī)科學(xué)院》2006年碩士論文

【摘要】:目的建立多因素、長期、慢性心理應(yīng)激性勃起功能障礙大鼠模型,并嘗試用中藥逍遙散對其進(jìn)行干預(yù)治療。 方法 Wistar雄性大鼠50只,體重250—300g/只,隨機(jī)平均分為5組,分別標(biāo)記為空白組、模型組、疏肝組、電擊組、單獨飼養(yǎng)組;超大鼠5只,體重500—600g/只,標(biāo)記為超重組。單獨飼養(yǎng)組和超重組大鼠單籠飼養(yǎng)(1只/籠),空白組、模型組、疏肝組、電擊組大鼠群養(yǎng)(5只大鼠/籠)。先對所有的實驗大鼠進(jìn)行糖水?dāng)z取實驗,然后隨機(jī)對模型組大鼠和疏肝組大鼠進(jìn)行社交失敗、Communication Box、行為限制、新環(huán)境擁擠4種刺激,同時給疏肝組大鼠用逍遙散水煎劑灌胃,空白組和模型組大鼠用飲用水灌胃。應(yīng)激開始后的每周末對空白組大鼠進(jìn)行陰莖勃起實驗,對模型組和疏肝組大鼠進(jìn)行性行為焦慮實驗,同時觀察記錄大鼠陰莖勃起次數(shù)、呵欠次數(shù)、舔陰莖睪丸次數(shù)等數(shù)據(jù)。應(yīng)激一個月后取陰莖、睪丸、血清并用酶法測定陰莖NO含量、ELISA測定血清睪酮含量。 結(jié)果 模型組大鼠陰莖勃起次數(shù)明顯低于空白組,模型組大鼠陰莖NO,模型組大鼠睪丸指數(shù)明顯高于空白組;疏肝組大鼠的各項指標(biāo)與模型組相比有明顯改善。 結(jié)論 本實驗建立了多因素、長期、慢性心理應(yīng)激下的ED模型;心理性應(yīng)激造成ED的機(jī)理:長期慢性心理性應(yīng)激可能通過使HPAT軸功能紊亂影響血清睪酮水平,進(jìn)而使陰莖NO-cGMP信號通路紊亂,從而形成了ED;中藥通過調(diào)節(jié)HPAT軸來發(fā)揮其調(diào)節(jié)全身各個組織器官的作用,間接對ED產(chǎn)生影響。
[Abstract]:Objective to establish a rat model of multiple factors chronic psychological stress erectile dysfunction and try to treat it with Xiaoyao Powder. Methods Fifty male 250-300g/ rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: blank group, model group, soothing liver group, electric shock group and 500-600g/ group. Single feeding group and superrecombinant rats were fed with single cage for 1 / cages, blank group, model group, soothing liver group and electric shock group for 5 rats / cage. First, all the experimental rats were tested on the intake of sugar water, and then the rats in the model group and the Shugan group were randomly given four kinds of stimuli of social failure, behavior limitation, new environment crowding, and the rats in the Shugan group were given the decoction of Xiaoyao Powder by stomach at the same time. Rats in blank group and model group were fed with drinking water. Every weekend after the stress, the rats in the blank group were tested for penile erection, and the rats in the model group and the soothing liver group were tested for sexual behavior anxiety. Meanwhile, the data of erectile number, yawning time and number of licking the testis of the penis were recorded and recorded at the same time. After one month of stress, the penis and testis were taken and the serum was determined by enzyme method. The serum testosterone content was determined by Elisa and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa). Results the number of penile erections in the model group was significantly lower than that in the blank group, and the testicular index of the model group was significantly higher than that of the blank group, and the indexes of the model group were significantly improved compared with the model group. Conclusion the model of Ed under long-term and chronic psychological stress was established, and the mechanism of Ed induced by psychological stress: Long-term chronic psychological stress may affect serum testosterone level by causing dysfunction of HPAT axis. Thus, the no-cGMP signaling pathway of the penis is disturbed and ED.The Chinese medicine exerts the function of regulating the organs and tissues of the whole body by regulating the HPAT axis, which has an indirect effect on Ed.


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