

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-25 23:36

  本文選題:維吾爾族 + 巴旦木紋樣。 參考:《新疆師范大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Xinjiang, known as the western region, is located in the northwest border of the motherland and the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, accounting for 1/6 of the total territory of our country. Among them the largest inland river Tarim River and the second largest Gobi desert in the Taklimakan Desert in the world are the largest administrative areas in the country. In history, this was the main channel for the traffic of the Chinese and western land, since ancient times It is a multi-ethnic settlement area, with a great variety of high quality fruit, mysterious and strong national customs, and a thousand years of ancient history; Xinjiang folk style is simple, the national style is strong; the geographical climate is unique, the four seasons melon and fruit are not in the city. The Xinjiang is also the important node of the Silk Road through the economic belt, is the portal of the radiating Asia Europe continent, location The advantage is excellent, it is the culture of the world civilization, the birthplace of Dao Lang culture, the intersection of the four civilizations in the whole country. The fruit of Ba Dan is produced from Shache County of Kashi, Shache County of Xinjiang, Shache County in the oasis of leaf and Qiang, and the biggest Oasis in Xinjiang of the Karakoram mountain of the Ye and Qiang river. In Shache, the Basan tree is the most common. The fruit tree, almost every household will grow pads, the Basan fruit blossom in March, September results, two times a year of summer and winter pruning, there is a history of 1300 planting. It is often said that the fruit of the panmu is a longevity fruit, the flowers of the panmu are auspicious flowers. Therefore, the shadow of the panmu, the old Uygur people in the local people's life. The old and young people like to wear the flower hat of the Dadan wood pattern. The decorative patterns of the family are mainly based on the pattern pattern of the bar. It can be said that the pattern pattern of the Xinjiang ethnic minority is unique. This article mainly uses the pattern of the Xinjiang Uygur traditional pattern as the base, and selects the Uygur's fabric, clothing and pottery. Wood, copper, bronze, handicraft, architecture, painting, sculpture and other decorative carriers are used as research objects to analyze the theoretical value and artistic connotation of the Western Uygur traditional San wood pattern. At present, it is known that the art research on Xinjiang Uygur traditional San wood pattern is mostly aimed at a carrier, and does not carry on the Department of the San wood pattern. The cultural research of Xinjiang Uygur traditional San wood pattern is an indispensable part of the Xinjiang regional pattern. As a unique decorative pattern of Xinjiang, the pattern of the Ba Dan Wood pattern plays an important role in the Uygur's ornament pattern. The religious belief related, on the one hand, symbolizes the hard work, hard and unyielding spiritual civilization of the people of Xinjiang. It also embodies the Uygur people's optimism and optimism from the life of the Uygur people in the desert area. The full text is divided into five chapters. The first chapter is about the background of the research, the present situation, the purpose and the significance of the study. The second chapter describes the biological background, the geographical environment, the nutritional value and the classification of the species in Xinjiang. The third chapter introduces the relationship between the Uygur Ba Dan wooden fruit and the denim pattern, the origin of the Pezli pattern, the relationship with the western culture, the Uygur people and the image regional cognition. The fourth chapter is the focus of the full text. It mainly talks about the spatial combination of the Uygur's Dan Wood pattern, the main modeling, the form classification, the combination of other patterns, the decoration carrier and the color collocation analysis, and further discusses the aesthetic meaning and the religious belief of the pattern of the wooden pattern and the back of the adornment. The chapter tells the auspicious culture and religious belief of the cultural factors of the wood pattern of the new year. From the above basic research, it is concluded that the source and practice of Uygur art are closely related to their religious beliefs, and the religious psychology and emotion are deeply ingrained. In the continuous development society, the open environment makes us more deeply and indigenous. The theory will provide strong theoretical support for the inheritance and development of Uygur culture.


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