

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-25 19:03

  本文選題:再生磚骨料透水混凝土 + 降堿 ; 參考:《山東農(nóng)業(yè)大學(xué)》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Environment is the basis of human survival and development, engineering construction often inevitably damage the local ecological environment, environmental deterioration has brought harm to human life. Today, the world, the protection of the environment, the sustainable development of the voice of higher and higher, the engineering construction is more and more important to coordinate with the environment. The clay brick is used as the maintenance or bearing material, and the roof is made of green tiles or red tiles. Now, with the urbanization of China and the rapid development of the new rural construction, the abandoned bricks and tiles which are removed become solid wastes, occupy a large amount of land and pollute the environment. Therefore, the number of clay bricks and tiles is huge, which produces about 8 * 1 a year in China and in the future. 06 tons. In fact, the clay brick and tile have all-weather and weatherability. These bricks and tiles have some strength and can be used again. They can be broken, graded, cleaned and reinforced as concrete aggregate instead of natural aggregate. The tile aggregate itself has a certain strength, which can be made up of middle and low grade concrete, which can be used as sand fixing, solid soil and embankment revetment. The porosity of permeable concrete is usually between 18-25%, water permeable and breathable, which is used as a skeleton, filling the nutrient base material to the gap and covering a layer of soil plant, which can reinforce the slope and keep green. Color landscape, maintaining the ecological balance, can play a great ecological benefit. This paper mainly uses waste bricks as raw materials, analyzes and draws on the application technology of recycled aggregate concrete at home and abroad, and deeply explores the preparation technology, physics, mechanical performance indexes of recycled brick aggregate concrete, and determines the simple and feasible measures for reducing alkali. (1) by measuring the apparent density, accumulation density, grain gradation, water content, water absorption, crushing index, and other physical properties of the waste clay brick aggregate, using the regenerated aggregate treatment technology at home and abroad for reference, the preparation of the recycled brick aggregate and the strengthening process are studied. (2) In order to replace the cement content with the same amount of cement, single mineral admixture fly ash, slag powder and silica fume are used to prepare recycled brick aggregate pervious concrete, and the standard curing is carried out. The influence law of different admixtures on the internal pore pH of concrete at different ages and the change of 28 days compressive strength value are compared. Mineral admixture can reduce the pH value 0.5-1,28 day compressive strength of the inner pore of reclaimed brick permeable concrete slightly higher than that of non admixture, in which the effect of silica fume is the most obvious. Fly ash, slag suitable amount of 10%-30%, suitable dosage of 5%-10%. (3) of silica fume to add acid reagent FeSO_4 solution in the same amount of water content, to prepare recycled brick aggregate Water concrete, and the standard curing, has been carried out to study the effect of different dosage on the 28 day compressive strength of concrete and the effect of pH in the inner pores. The study shows that, when the concentration of FeSO_4 solution is between 0.25mol/L-0.75mol/L, 10% FeSO_4 solution is replaced with water to reduce the alkali effect of the recycled brick pervious concrete, and it can reduce the pH value of about 1 and promote it. The 28 day compressive strength of the concrete is improved by 0.5-1MPa. (4). A hemispherical mold is designed and produced to prepare the regenerated brick pervious concrete unit and carry out the slope protection test. The surface area of the hemispherical block is large, and the surface area of the plant is more, the surface pore is also small movement. The space between the objects is provided with space, and the gap between the blocks is suitable for the growth of shrubs. The wrong slope protection landscape is more in line with the ecological requirements. (5) the research results of the comprehensive early mechanical properties, water permeability and the alkalinity of the inner pore water solution are used to determine the reasonable technical measures for slope protection, to carry out the slope protection engineering test and to observe the plant growth situation. The long-term growth effect of the plant is good and has good ecological effect. Accordingly, reasonable construction quality standards and requirements are put forward, and slope protection construction technology and technology are formed.


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