

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-24 14:50

  本文選題:濱海鹽堿地 + 景觀營造; 參考:《中國林業(yè)科學研究院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the development of economy and the increase of urban population and the shortage of urban land, people begin to attach importance to saline-alkali land gradually, and realize that the utilization of saline-alkali land can not only be reclaimed as agricultural land, but also become a scenic landscape with regional characteristics. Especially to the coastal area city development has the important value. In the past, the improvement of saline-alkali soil has been studied in physics, chemistry, biology and so on, and some achievements have been made. How to carry out the landscape construction of saline-alkali land effectively and cheaply is still a problem worth paying attention to. Based on the knowledge of the characteristics of saline-alkali land and the excellent cases of saline-alkali land landscape construction, this paper discusses the current utilization direction and existing problems of saline-alkali land by consulting literature and on-the-spot investigation. The common techniques, techniques and forms of saline-alkali soil improvement were summarized, which laid a foundation for the later design research. Based on the theory of salt removal and related theories of landscape design, based on the principles of low cost, high efficiency, ecology and adaptability, Tianjin Binhai New area was selected to study the landscape design of coastal saline and alkali land based on comprehensive improvement. The general situation of the design area, the obstacle of landscape construction and the solving technology are analyzed in detail, and the two landscape forms of patch landscape and corridor landscape are designed and discussed. To achieve the organic combination of landscape and salt removal, to achieve rapid and smooth soil salt drainage, for coastal saline and alkali landscape construction ideas and reference.


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