

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-21 23:42

  本文選題:黔西南小城鎮(zhèn) + 喀斯特地貌形態(tài)。 參考:《重慶大學》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:Karst landform area in southwest of Guizhou Province has special geographical environment and ecological resources. Its topography is very special in region, ecology and space form. It is not only a restriction but also a turning point for the construction of cities and towns. There are few studies on the strategies and methods of urban design under the guidance of topography and geomorphology in this area. The construction of the urban space is generally avoided as far as possible, but in the construction technology and the prevention and control measures, the lack of construction land makes the small towns in Southwest Guizhou have to use special landforms and landforms and change the terrain conditions to be the urban environmental advantages. It is very important to study the design strategy of the towns in Karst geomorphologic area. It is one of the key problems to be solved in this paper that how to change the terrain disadvantage to the advantage of landscape resources and make rational use of the urban topography and geomorphology to guide the city design. In view of the above problems, the thesis is divided into three parts to think, analyze and elaborate. The first part is mainly aimed at the Karst landform in Southwest Guizhou. The landscape features and the summary of the urban space, form and structure. The landscape of Karst has a guiding significance to the construction of the green space system in small towns in Southwest Guizhou. The summary of the basic rules of distribution and development is an important basis for the construction of towns and towns in small towns in this area. This is the soul of the construction of Karst towns in Southwest Guizhou and the soul of urban life, and continues to play a special role in the development and construction of the cities and towns today. The second part is based on the discussion of the analysis of the urban design method based on the "landscape corridor". Based on the "anti planning theory" and taking the principle of ecological priority as guidance, the application of Karst geomorphic landscape in urban construction is considered in the construction of Karst geomorphic area in Southwest Guizhou. Through the analysis of relevant ecological factors, the landscape of Karst green space is divided into the control area of basic green space in Karst, the buffer zone of Karst green space and Urban and Rural Development Zone, based on the basis of the establishment of urban green space system, and combined with the theory of association coupling, based on the analysis of "landscape corridor", establish the seepage coupling of urban construction system and green space system, guide the construction space with green space and establish a harmonious and unified ecological town. In order to find out the "sensitive point" of the urban construction space and establish the "landscape corridor" between the urban green space system and the Karst green space system, we use the corridor (real corridor and virtual gallery) to make the connection between the urban green system and the construction space. Based on this analysis, the land use, public space, traffic and landscape are included. The strategic summary of urban design is summed up to seek scientific urban space design strategy and the shape of urban space form, and then the project example distribution of small towns in Karst peak cluster depression series, Karst peak cluster Canyon series small towns and Karst Fenglin valley land series are verified, and the method results are used. The third part is the practice and test of the specific case. The third part mainly discusses the application of the design method in the concrete project practice. The thesis takes the practice of the city design project in Qinglong County of Guizhou Province as the research object, the green space in the town is dominant in the urban development, and the town space is connected in series with "landscape corridor". The harmonious and unified urban green space network builds the urban features of Karst cities and towns, and protects the regional characteristics of the cities and towns. It provides a reference for the ecological construction of small towns in Karst geomorphology area of Southwest Guizhou.


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