

發(fā)布時(shí)間:2018-06-20 22:36

  本文選題:3D投影 + 動(dòng)畫表現(xiàn)方式。 參考:《吉林藝術(shù)學(xué)院》2017年碩士論文

[Abstract]:In the face of the rapid development of new media art, some of the mainstream art forms of the past have become a thing of the past. We have entered the "digital landscape" art era, even in cars and buildings. The skin of ordinary objects, such as human faces, is gradually becoming a more diversified art form. When they are designed and produced by 3D projection animation, they become a work of art, unique and shocking. In this space full of science and technology, the interaction between art and audience has reached a new peak. The audience's communication and connection to art and space can be done directly through visual and auditory experiences. As a new way of art expression in recent years, 3D projection animation is obviously different from most other art forms. The application of naked 3D in new media has opened a new door for the art field. 3D projection animation has a visual impact and shock to the audience, which is not available in the current media expression mode, and its effect is more real. This is a perfect combination of art and technology, with the production of three-dimensional technology, so that the landscape and scene through high-end projection in front of the audience, can be said to be a kind of space and time illusion. This art of light and shadow, the audience's sensory world has been unprecedented liberation. This paper hopes that through the analysis of 3D projection animation, people will realize the importance and charm of projection animation in the expression of new media, and better combine the development of 3D technology. Open a new chapter for the development of animation.


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1 王綱;建筑投影的理論與實(shí)踐探析[D];華中科技大學(xué);2013年

2 漢青;光影在展示設(shè)計(jì)中的視覺表現(xiàn)[D];上海師范大學(xué);2010年

3 閔媛媛;新媒體環(huán)境下展示設(shè)計(jì)研究與應(yīng)用[D];北京印刷學(xué)院;2009年





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