

發(fā)布時間:2018-06-18 16:17

  本文選題:四川 + 中學(xué)生; 參考:《四川師范大學(xué)》2015年碩士論文

[Abstract]:With the increasing importance of basketball in China. In order to further implement and accelerate the development of basketball, improve the training and competitive level of middle school students in Sichuan after school, and further improve the sports competition system of middle school students, Sichuan Province Education Department, Sichuan Provincial Sports Bureau, Sichuan Basketball Association established Sichuan Middle School students Basketball League, has been held 17. The men's basketball league for middle school students in Sichuan Province can enrich campus life, enhance students' physical quality, improve students' comprehensive quality education, and improve students' interpersonal communication ability. Promote Sichuan Province basketball popularization and unity and cooperation ability to play an important role. This paper focuses on the rules of basketball league for middle school students in Sichuan province, including school leaders, coaches, athletes and referees. By using the methods of literature, questionnaire, comparative analysis, expert interview, field investigation, mathematical statistics and other research methods, this paper analyzes and studies the present situation of the men's basketball league of middle school students in Sichuan province. The male Basketball League of Middle School students in Sichuan Province is divided into three stages: the period of rapid and innovative development from 1999 to 2006, the period of steady development from 2007 to 2014, and the period of innovation (from 2015 to present). In the past three years, the organizers of the league have changed from the Sichuan Student Sports Arts Association and the Basketball Association to the Sichuan Education Department and the Sports Bureau. Third, the distribution of middle school students' basketball league in Sichuan is uneven, and in 2015, the number of schools participating in the basketball league is reduced due to the cancellation of the extra points of the college entrance examination. The main reasons are: high cost, backward economy, inconvenient transportation, poor geographical environment, cancellation of college entrance examination and other factors. Its recommendations: the relevant departments to give remote areas some subsidies and awards. The solution to the problem of "learning" and "training" in participating schools is to set up special training classes with long training schedule and more training times per week. Fourthly, the number of coaches increased first and then decreased in the last three years; the age structure was reasonable; the education was undergraduate, mainly from the sports colleges; the sports level of coaches was improved year by year; the training mechanism of coaches was very few; The teaching age rose first and then decreased; not satisfied with the pre-match subsidies. Fifthly, the age structure of the athletes in the last three years is odd years, concentrated in 17 years old and even in 18 years old; the height of the athletes has dropped by 200cm between 190cm-199cm and increased year by year; the weight of athletes is basically the same; the motivation to participate in the league is basically the same. Internal motivation is the main, and there is an increasing trend. Sixth, excellent referee resources are the key to ensure fair and fair participation in the league. Seventh, the cancellation of college entrance examination points has different influences on coaches, school leaders and athletes.


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